Friday, December 5, 2008

Film Projector Rentals

A film projector projects reels of film onto a screen to form a continuous image. Film projectors have the need to wind and unwind the reels and adjust the arms and distance. Despite the competition from video projection, film projectors have a niche market of buyers.

Film projector rental demand comes from residences, film festivals and university and school campuses.

Film projectors come with different widths such as 8mm, 16mm and 35mm. The type of projector depends on the space available and the number of audience. The demand for 35mm comes mostly from festivals while 8mm and 16mm find demand from other segments such as residences and student shows in universities.

Many of the rental companies are either owned by the universities or reside in the campuses. The demand for film projectors is cyclical as film festivals happen during a particular period of a year. Even for residences, the demand is usually in the summer months, when families like to have get-togethers outdoors.

The rental rates for projectors depend upon the type of films. 16mm projectors have a starting rental rate of $20 per day, 35mm at $50 per day. The total rental rates go up when we consider the screens and other accessories. Most of the a/v industry rental companies hold fewer stocks of film projectors. The rental companies in the university campuses charge lower fees for student groups.

Film projectors face severe competition from video projectors. New technologies such as DLP and audio/video storage media slowly make the conventional film based technologies obsolete. When compared with video projectors, film projectors lack features to control contrast and brightness. Even with cinema halls transitioning to digital forms of projection, film based projector manufacturers are dwindling and therefore are the rental industry of film based projectors.

Projector Rentals provides detailed information on Computer Projector Rentals: A Guide, DVD Projector Rentals, Film Projector Rentals, LCD Projector Rentals and more. Projector Rentals is affiliated with DLP Projectors.

President George W. Bush addresses the Saban Forum for Middle East Policy at the Newseum in Washington , Friday, Dec. 5, 2008. (AP Photo/J. David Ake)AP - President George W. Bush publicly acknowledged for the first time Friday that the U.S. economy is in a recession and worried aloud that Detroit's Big Three automakers may not all survive their mounting troubles.

Soul Calibur IV - A Look at the Latest in the Gaming Phenomenon

The Soul Calibur series has always been at the forefront of the beat 'em up market. Since the original version of the game erupted onto the scene in the late nineties (named Soul Blade), the franchise has grown in renown and popularity. Introducing a varied range of fighters and dynamic weapon-play, the Soul series of games have always prided themselves on delivering a rich gaming experience, taking the static nature of the beat 'em up genre and crafting it into a more rounded gaming experience.

Soul Calibur IV is the first of the Soul series to reach next gen platforms, appearing on both the Playstation 3 and the Xbox 360. One of the most eagerly anticipated titles of 2008, Soul Calibur IV had the weight of expectation of its back, especially with Playstation 3 fans, as it is the first real beat 'em up to be released for the console. Soul Calibur III, whilst maintaining a rich and detailed gaming ethos, was viewed by most as a miss-step in the series, overcomplicating game play and deviating from a much-loved combat engine.

Thankfully, and as promised, Soul Cailbur IV rectifies this mistake and pushes its way triumphantly to the head of beat 'em ups one again. Whilst technically the game offers little in originality, this is really the point. Fans demanded a return to the classic style of the franchise and that's what they got. Of course, being a next-gen title does bring massive advantages with it. Game play is fluid and more natural than ever before, with character models moving and reacting with a realism that borders on astonishing at times.

Soul Calibur's crux has always been the motley band of fighters that appear to wrestle for control of the soul swords, and in next-gen presentation the characters are truly gorgeous. From intricate facial expressions and motion capture, to dizzying attention to detail (polished armour will change each bout to reflect the relating background); Soul Calibur IV is truly a delight to behold.

Gameplay returns with the usual plethora of additional content. Tower of Lost Souls will test your skill and endurance as you take on constant combatants without a health replenish, and for the first time ever Soul Calibur goes online, allowing players to combat each other across the world and earn respect on a global scale! A few new in-game functions have also been added, most notably the Soul Gauges and Critical Finishes, which act as instant winners you can punish an enemy with if they block too often.

Special mention must go to the Character Creation mode, which returns from Soul Calibur III with a massive revamp. Whilst the range of different styles has been scrapped, this makes way for a function so in depth it is addictive enough to lose hours of your day to. The smallest details are accounted for; you can even alter the pitch of your character's voice. With a gargantuan range of equipment available and even more to unlock, players can create truly unique characters. The most impressive thing is that, whilst on past games character creation was fun, the end result would never gel with the characters proper and appeared almost as superimposed sprites on the screen. With Soul Calibur IV, the characters you create are so detailed and well developed that they could have been made by the games designers themselves, and appear no less impressive than the real characters of the game.

There are few downsides to report, but a few niggling factors emerge in the game. The Story mode seems less rich than in previous instalments, and there is less of an overall narrative to the proceedings which used to give the story distance, you felt you really were travelling the world in search of your goal. Also, using the in-game graphics for the character endings is adequate; however with next-gen consoles surely the ability to give us full CGI endings isn't too much to ask?

Overall however, Soul Calibur IV is a raging success, doing exactly what it says on the tin, and then some. A beat 'em up has never looked so attractive, and the game offers enough challenge to keep players hooked way past the usual parameters for a game of this genre.


Rich writes for the pop culture/memorabilia site and its blogs, covering the latest and greatest in film, TV, music and comics merchandise and collectibles.

O.J. Simpson speaks during his sentencing hearing at the Clark County Regional Justice Center in Las Vegas, Friday, Dec. 5, 2008. Sitting right to Simpson is his lawyer Yale Galanter. Simpson was sentenced Friday to at least 15 years in prison for a hotel armed robbery after a judge rejected his apology and said, 'It was much more than stupidity.' (AP Photo/Isaac Brekken, Pool)AP - A weary and beaten-looking O.J. Simpson was put away Friday for at least nine years - and perhaps the rest of his life - for an armed robbery in a hotel room, bringing a measure of satisfaction to those who believed the football star got away with murder more than a decade ago.

Use Your Information Technology Department to Improve Merger and Acquisition Results!

When your company did it's most recent acquisition, or when it was acquired by another company, what role did your Chief Information Officer play? Chances are, your CIO could have contributed more to the company's success. It's no secret that mergers and acquisitions (MA First, get your IT experts involved in systems evaluation during due diligence phase of the transaction. Specifically, get them to focus on these elements of the acquisition target:

Nature of Systems - what they do, whether they are internally developed or commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) packages, and how effective they are. Ineffective systems cost a fortune in terms of efficiency, and load and additional burden on the company in license fees, and / or maintenance costs.

Functionality / Capability - Is what they do available in your existing systems platform? Is the functionality of these systems so unique and important that they would have to be retained and supported following the acquisition? Is it additional capability that would be of value to the rest of your company following the acquisition?

Scalability - Assuming that the capability of a system is important; can it grow enough to support the user base of your entire company without substantial upgrades and rework?
Migration Path - Is the system supported by an outside company that will keep it current with the latest technology and business practices?

Compatibility - Will the systems of the company being acquired work well with the balance of the systems in the acquiring company? Will they run on your existing hardware? If they were internally developed, are they written in a language that your IT organization can support?
Strategic Fit - Do the systems required to operate the acquisition target fit well with the overall IT strategy of your company? For example, if your company has decided to move to a few tightly integrated commercial software application sets, acquiring a company that requires extensive internally developed systems is a poor choice.

Second, push for adequate detail to understand the real costs involved. Your IT experts can help you determine whether basic data elements such as part numbers and units of measure mean the same thing. When they don't, a substantial amount of work can be needed to achieve commonality. That commonality is the thing that enables asset leveraging actions such as larger purchase volumes and shared services. Some companies are satisfied with saying "we have a master schedule and they have a master schedule, so we're a match there". They aren't digging deep enough.

If one company schedules order start dates and the other schedules completion dates, a lot of things can drive them out of synch. Especially when one company will be a feeder to another, that level of synchronization is important. In companies like telecom companies, coordinating things like carrier service agreements and inventory redeployment also require some detailed review and coordination. Depending on what lies in the details, a lot of money can be captured - or lost. Require an IT plan and estimate. Be sure your company's information technology leader knows that his or her career will be impacted - for good or ill - by the quality of that plan. Next year's IT budget will be a function of what is contained in that plan along with normal expenses. That way, the people performing the estimate will be motivated to make sure it's thorough. Fourth, look for a succinct listing of the major systems that will be mothballed, what will replace them, and what kind of effort will be required to make that transition happen.

Then look at timing to see whether it lines up with the projected business case for the acquisition. Will it break even in time? Finally, look at whether your company has the skills needed to perform the transition work. If not, will you be able to hire people and bring them up to speed quickly enough, or do you plan to bring in outside experts? Make sure the associated costs are in your business case. Fifth and finally, look for low-hanging fruit. Will the new IT capabilities acquired as a part of the new business provide new efficiencies? Are there opportunities to migrate the balance of your company's systems to a newly acquired platform that is more efficient? Does the combination of the old and the new technology (or data) provide management with new insight, new competitive intelligence, or new service offerings? What level of effort and investment would be required to make those opportunities into reality? Again, request any cost and benefit data that is pertinent to the acquisition's business case.

Management consultant Bill Duncan helps companies boost their earnings through aligning and strengthening their business processes and information systems. To learn more about Bill Duncan's new book, Enterprise Optimization: Making Acquisitions Pay Off, visit There you can get his report: The Secret Path to Improve Earnings (a $19.95 value) absolutely free!

AP - A Vero Beach man faces a domestic violence charge after authorities said he assaulted his girlfriend with a cheeseburger. An Indian River County Sheriff's Office arrest report said a 22-year-old man and his girlfriend got into an argument as they sat in a car in front of their home.

Child Brought Up On Classic Video Games: Good Or Bad Idea?

Children nowadays are all for the newer generation games. However: these consoles and games are getting more and more expensive. The Playstation 3s' games are expected to go over £40/$60. Can we pay this type of price for our children's entertainment, or re-introduce them to classic or pre-era gaming?

The Playstation 3 and the Nintendo Wii are set to launch soon and the XBOX360, Nintendo DS and the Sony PSP have already hit shops around the world. The games and consoles are at very high prices. Children will stop at nothing to try to get you to purchase these consoles. Why? Based on the typical 6-15 aged average kid, graphics and the look of the console.

No doubt, the consoles and the graphics do look extremely impressive. I've seen demonstrations of these next-gen consoles around the Internet, and my friend owns an XBOX360. But are you willing to dish out the dosh to purchase these consoles, and not to mention frequently having to get them more games. When they will cost alot too.


If you really want to save your money, and still give them the enjoyment they deserve. Introduce them to classic gaming. I'm not saying go back to the PONG and Magnavox Odyssey age, as they will get bored to quickly, but go back to around the 8 or 16bit era, and show them that even sacrificing the graphics, these games are really fun and addictive. The hard part is to get them to pick the controller up and play. As they might be a bit "But the graphics are rubbish" or "It doesn't look very fun". A Super Nintendo, Sega Mega-Drive (Genesis in the USA) and a Neo Geo might be perfect. Games on them will be very tasteful for them.

If you don't have any "retro" consoles, you can buy some cheaply using eBay or go into any secondhand cash for item shop and you're bound to find a console and some games. For cheap prices. This means that you don't have to spend about £40 on just 1 next-generation game and can probably purchase 6 or more classic games. And still have change.

I'm not saying to scrap their next-gen consoles, maybe you could get them 1 or a couple of games at Christmas or on their birthday. But it will save you a whole lot of money and they may just enjoy classics such as:

  • Super Mario (Bros 1, 2 and 3, World and Yoshi's Island)
  • Mario Kart
  • Kirby (Adventure and Superstar are great especially for yonger children)
  • Metroid (Metroid and Super Metroid are good towards older children and teenagers)
If you're new to this kind of thing, which I don't thing you are if your a parent or an adult who has lived during the 80's to experience the golden era, why don't you join in? Or if you're experienced, teach your kinds a thing or two. ;-) Have a think about it. I plan on having my kids grow up with a Sega Mega-Drive (Genesis) and a Nintendo. Mainly to keep the retro gaming legacy alive. Thanks for reading!

Oliver Earl
- Webmaster of
Me <3 classic gaming>
Please support me and visit my website!

In this Oct. 3, <a href=>2008</a> file photo, O.J. Simpson reacts as he is found guilty on 12 charges, including felony kidnapping, armed robbery and conspiracy at the Clark County Regional Justice Center in Las Vegas. State authorities are recommending that Simpson and a co-defendant be sentenced to 18 years in prison for the gunpoint robbery and kidnapping of two sports memorabilia dealers, according to documents filed Tuesday, Dec. 2, 2008. <a href=>(AP</a> Photo/Daniel Gluskoter, Pool, file)AP - O.J. Simpson is going to prison; the question is for how long.