Friday, December 5, 2008

Child Brought Up On Classic Video Games: Good Or Bad Idea?

Children nowadays are all for the newer generation games. However: these consoles and games are getting more and more expensive. The Playstation 3s' games are expected to go over £40/$60. Can we pay this type of price for our children's entertainment, or re-introduce them to classic or pre-era gaming?

The Playstation 3 and the Nintendo Wii are set to launch soon and the XBOX360, Nintendo DS and the Sony PSP have already hit shops around the world. The games and consoles are at very high prices. Children will stop at nothing to try to get you to purchase these consoles. Why? Based on the typical 6-15 aged average kid, graphics and the look of the console.

No doubt, the consoles and the graphics do look extremely impressive. I've seen demonstrations of these next-gen consoles around the Internet, and my friend owns an XBOX360. But are you willing to dish out the dosh to purchase these consoles, and not to mention frequently having to get them more games. When they will cost alot too.


If you really want to save your money, and still give them the enjoyment they deserve. Introduce them to classic gaming. I'm not saying go back to the PONG and Magnavox Odyssey age, as they will get bored to quickly, but go back to around the 8 or 16bit era, and show them that even sacrificing the graphics, these games are really fun and addictive. The hard part is to get them to pick the controller up and play. As they might be a bit "But the graphics are rubbish" or "It doesn't look very fun". A Super Nintendo, Sega Mega-Drive (Genesis in the USA) and a Neo Geo might be perfect. Games on them will be very tasteful for them.

If you don't have any "retro" consoles, you can buy some cheaply using eBay or go into any secondhand cash for item shop and you're bound to find a console and some games. For cheap prices. This means that you don't have to spend about £40 on just 1 next-generation game and can probably purchase 6 or more classic games. And still have change.

I'm not saying to scrap their next-gen consoles, maybe you could get them 1 or a couple of games at Christmas or on their birthday. But it will save you a whole lot of money and they may just enjoy classics such as:

  • Super Mario (Bros 1, 2 and 3, World and Yoshi's Island)
  • Mario Kart
  • Kirby (Adventure and Superstar are great especially for yonger children)
  • Metroid (Metroid and Super Metroid are good towards older children and teenagers)
If you're new to this kind of thing, which I don't thing you are if your a parent or an adult who has lived during the 80's to experience the golden era, why don't you join in? Or if you're experienced, teach your kinds a thing or two. ;-) Have a think about it. I plan on having my kids grow up with a Sega Mega-Drive (Genesis) and a Nintendo. Mainly to keep the retro gaming legacy alive. Thanks for reading!

Oliver Earl
- Webmaster of
Me <3 classic gaming>
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In this Oct. 3, <a href=>2008</a> file photo, O.J. Simpson reacts as he is found guilty on 12 charges, including felony kidnapping, armed robbery and conspiracy at the Clark County Regional Justice Center in Las Vegas. State authorities are recommending that Simpson and a co-defendant be sentenced to 18 years in prison for the gunpoint robbery and kidnapping of two sports memorabilia dealers, according to documents filed Tuesday, Dec. 2, 2008. <a href=>(AP</a> Photo/Daniel Gluskoter, Pool, file)AP - O.J. Simpson is going to prison; the question is for how long.


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