Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Fix Xbox 360 3 Red Lights Of Death

So there you are, deep in the middle of a Call Of Duty online match, when the Xbox 360 freezes and three red rings light up. You know what's happening because your buddy's Xbox 360 did the same thing and it took him a month to send it in and get it repaired. You don't want to wait that long to get back to playing your favorite games, so what do you do?

Can you fix this problem yourself or are you going to have to go through the long process of sending your console back to Microsoft for a repair?

Before sending it back, there are some methods you can try to get you back up and running. Try these before you do anything else.

Turn your Xbox 360 off and then power it back on. Are the lights green or are they red? If they are green you are good to go, but understand that the issue may come back to haunt you sooner or later.

There are four quadrants of lights that try to point to the problem.

If only one light is red, try unplugging the power and all cables from your unit. Plug them back in and check the lights again.

If the second light is red, it is more than likely an overheating issue. Is your Xbox 360 located in a well-ventilated area? If not, try removing from your entertainment center, let it cool for awhile, and then power it back on again.

If all three lights are red, you are looking at a major hardware failure, one that may require the unit to be shipped back to the manufacturer for repair. The process involves calling Microsoft for a "coffin", a shipping box, to send the unit back. That takes a few days, then you ship the console back and wait for your unit to be shipped back to you, a very laborious and boring process.

Don't fear the red ring of death!

If you don't want to ship your Xbox 360 back, try fixing it yourself with this handy guide:

Xbox 360 Repair Guide

President George W. Bush walks along the West Wing Colonnade as he departs the White House in Washington, Tuesday, Dec. 23, <a href=http://blogz-galore.com/dog>2008,</a> to spend the Christmas holiday at the Camp David presidential retreat. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)AP - In a gesture of forgiveness for a decades-old offense, President George W. Bush on Tuesday granted a pardon posthumously to a man who broke the law to supply aircraft to Jews fighting in Israel's 1948 war of independence.

Halo Cheats

I've discovered many of these Halo cheats from experience and from other players online. The last time I checked, these worked. These aren't exactly cheats in the Halo 2 sense but more weapon cheats/glitches. I'll explain how to perform each cheat and its effect.

Each cheat has an associated button combo with it; the combo must be pressed as quick as possible. (Most combos require a primary and secondary weapon, especially if it involves pressing Y.)

Cancel Grenade Throw Animation-Press Y, LT, Y, to throw a grenade without the animation, which gives you valuable time.

BR Kill- RT, RT, Y, (wait a split second) B. You must be host for this cheat. This cheat will immediately kill your opponent.

Double Shot BR- RT, RT, Y. You'll shoot once, change weapons, and automatically fire another round. So make sure your secondary weapon isn't the plasma pistol.

Objective Instant Kill- RT, RB, B all at the same time.

This particular cheat has gained notoriety online, and there's been many videos on it because it kills instantly.

Grav Hammer Glitch- Hold Y, RT, Release Y, Left Thumbstick and B. You want to begin with the Grav Hammer equipped. The last two button presses are right before the Grav Hammer is about to hit. This damages the enemy with both the grav hammer and a melee attack. (Source: Next Gen Boards) I should've prefaced the article with the fact that many of these glitches are looked down up by Xbox Live.

You probably won't be banned, but it does look suspicious. However, I strongly discourage the use of any of these in tournaments or ranked matchmaking because they do make the game a tad unfair.

Brendan McCaffery runs a premiere Halo website: Halo Go Pro. It hosts tournaments and contests, and provides expert Halo tips, strategies, and cheats.

Razorwire-topped fences are seen at the AP - When the U.S. government asked years ago that countries take in detainees freed from the Guantanamo military prison, only tiny Albania answered the call.

MGS4 Guns of the Patriots PS3 FAQ

Initially released on the MSX2 console in 1987, the first Metal Gear title slowly but gradually gained a following but it was only the start of something big for the game franchise. Probably one of those games which innovated the movie-like experience, it made its first appearance on the original Playstation in 1998. And although the game has been home to Sony for the longest time, it has recently been introduced to other platforms like Microsoft's Xbox 360. And after selling a total of 6 million copies all over the world, it is back to offer fans an exciting new game in Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.

Before even its set release date, Metal Gear Solid 4 is already creating buzz all over the gaming community. Credit that to this year's E3 game show trailers and many are starting to believe that this game is so impressive, it could be the first title to be a PS3 'must-have'. Although still working along the tagline "No Place to Hide", the game maybe taking a turn towards a more gung-ho feel of action.

To keep up with the demands of the overall enhancements for MGS 4, the developers have also improved the gameplay to make defeating the enemies (specifically, Liquid Snake/Revolver Ocelot) much more attainable, if not easier. But no need to worry, Kojima have learned from previous Metal Gear Solid games and included some useful upgrades and enhancements for what seems to be Metal Gear's final installment. One of them is that complicated button set-ups just would not work for an action-packed game like MGS and action sequences that take only split seconds for you to adapt. You can be assured that you'll have none of these problems in MGS4 since all you need to press is the triangle button when doing simple tasks. There is just simply no use having to figure out complicated button combinations to carry out such a simple task.

Also getting enhancements is the combat mode, which is quite useful in the entire gaming adventure. You will find that in MGS4, using the auto-targeting option can help sharpen up your shooting skills. Now, you will no longer have to fire aimlessly at your enemies and you are sure to increase your hit percentage.

The alert system in previous MGS games can be quite distracting as you have to take your eyes off the action and check on a little radar screen located at the corner. First of all, the previous alert system was too distracting to your line of sight since you have to constantly check that little radar screen at the corner. Instead of that tiny screen, there is now an "invisible" ring that follows Solid Snake around, so you won't have to take your eyes off of him. When danger is coming, a cinematic soundtrack will erupt and you will find this to be a pulsating addition to the game.

As if that wasn't enough, there are two new features introduced in the MGS4: the psych and stress meters. These new features work around the premise that the more stressful you are, the less effective you become. Apparently, the more stressed you are, the less effective you become. The same also goes when your stress level is increased; you tend to lose your aim and you fail miserably. Also, you'd be more precise in your aiming capabilities if you have managed to calm yourself down. It gives a more tactical approach to the game, which makes fans look forward to playing the game when it is released for the PS3.

In terms of graphics, Metal Gear Solid is such a high-profile franchise that it's not even a question. It also got a soundtrack that's will fully immerse you into the game, with such explosive and blasting sounds. Although an online mode remains to be seen for the MGS4, it will be something that most fans would love to get their hands on. As of now, it still remains unconfirmed as to whether the MGS4 will be having an online mode but fans are not really sweating themselves out with that as they are raring to get their hands on MGS 4 as soon as it hits the market.

Looking for more information about MGS4 on the PS3, check out our Metal Gear Solid 4 Cheat Codes and Free Strategy Guide.

In this image rendered from video and provided by WJLA-TV, stranded vehicles are observed by a firefighter on River road near Washington D.C. Tuesday, Dec. 23, 2008. Crews are scrambling to rescue motorists who are stranded in at least four feet of water following a massive water main break just outside Washington, D.C. (AP Photo/WJLA-TV)AP - A massive water main break trapped about a dozen commuters in their cars Tuesday as the swift, frigid waters flooded a suburban Washington road, and rescuers in helicopters and boats had to pluck people from the whitewater unleashed by an aging pipe.

What is Video Game Testing?

With the high amount of sales in the video game industry testing is in large demand. There is no particular type of education or degree required for video game testing. Once a person acquires this job their opinion about video games may change especially if they are expecting it to be all fun. The problem is that the job will require playing the games over and over again to identify problems and mistakes. While some of the mistakes will not be hard to locate, others will be extremely difficult to find. Problems must also be documented. Testing the game repeatedly for sporadic problems is hard because they may happen only at a particular point during the game and that has to be repeatedly tested.

Video game testing takes someone who is goal-driven, has a passion for the game and a high tolerance for exhaustion. Although the job may be hard for some, the pay compensation for it because it can pay up to $15 per hour. You also get to keep the games which keeps you from having to purchase so many in the video game store.

The games that are tested require various game system console platforms. They include Xbox, Xbox 360, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, Nintendo Game Cube, Nintendo Wii, and PC computer games. You will receive many games which haven't been tested yet. Beta testing is done at the last stages of creating a video game This is a critical stage where issues with playability and bugs in the games are tested and reported. The three primary kinds of video game tester jobs are video game developer tester, a publishing company tester, and a reviews and guides tester.

Game tester clubs are a good tool for those who are interested in getting a good start as a game tester. This is especially true for developers who want to get their product tested extensively. If you want to become a video game tester, you should consider joining one of these clubs and begin making money.

Finally, here are some good resources that can help you begin working as a video game tester:

  • Game Tester Guide-This program has a lifetime membership. You receive the games through the mail. You play the games, fill out the survey, and send it back. You will then receive a check.
  • Gamer Testing Ground-They get you connected with game testing opportunities quickly. Through this program you can receive game titles which haven't been released yet. They put you in touch with contacts who will help you find work quickly. Memberships are available to suit all budgets.

Matt D Murren owns and operates http://www.video-game-testing-advisor.com - Video Game Testing

A house sits for sale in North Aurora, Illinois July 24, 2008. (Jeff Haynes/Reuters)Reuters - The pace of existing home sales plunged a record 8.6 percent in November and prices fell a record amount as layoffs and a stock market crash worsened an already grim housing market, a real estate trade group said Tuesday.