Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Reading and Technology - The Best of Both Worlds in Internet-Linked Books

Curling up with a good laptop just can't compare to curling up with a good book. But the internet offers a benefit that a book can never live up to - moment by moment updates of fresh information. Usborne Books offer an ingenious solution by offering Internet-linked books!

Are books becoming obsolete? With TV becoming more interactive and the internet reigning supreme as the source of information and entertainment, the old-school encyclopedia sets may be collecting dust. But nothing compares to the wonder of a book, vibrant illustrations in printed form, and the ability to pick it up over and over again. Yes, we love books and nothing can take their place!

While books are wonderful, no one can dispute the unlimited resources that can be found online. Children must learn how to use computers and the internet in order to keep up and surpass the current technology! We also are acquainted with the dangers of allowing our children to surf unrestricted. Who knows on what they may stumble and filters only do so much.

So where can we turn to give our children the best resources for learning? Books or computers? As with many "or" questions, the answer is "yes!" Internet-linked books offer all the benefits of a book. After all, it is indeed a book! But by offering quick-links on each page, information can be kept current and concepts can be reinforced through online activities.

Beyond just a web address printed in a book, Usborne quicklinks direct the reader to a website maintained by Usborne with links sorted by book title and page number. Every link is monitored for content and appropriate material so that children can navigate the site safely. Imagine devouring a book on sharks and following one of the Usborne quicklinks to a live webcam of sharks in Monterey Bay! Thanks to Usborne, books have entered the 21st century.

Help instill a love for books and reading that will stay with your children for a lifetime. Enhance their educational experience and encourage them to be computer savvy. Check out internet-linked books and how they can benefit your family.

Karen Vizaniaris

Crazy For Usborne - Children's Books

A salary register from Liverpool City Hospital featuring the name E. Rigby, a scullery maid who has signed for her monthly wage. A 97-year-old document that contains clues to the identity of Eleanor Rigby, the <a href=http://hotnintendo.com/Sega-Dreamcast/Memory>subject</a> of one of the Beatles' best-loved songs, is expected to fetch 500,000 pounds ($775,000) when it goes on sale this month. (Fame Bureau/Handout/Reuters)Reuters - A 97-year-old document that contains clues to the identity of Eleanor Rigby, the subject of one of the Beatles' best-loved songs, is expected to fetch 500,000 pounds ($775,000) when it goes on sale this month.

Computer History

The computer history of software dates back to the late 1940s and early 1950s, when the United States government funded several command and control systems for the military. Computer systems have come a long way since then.

Do you know that until the early 1980s, programmers did not have PCs and had to sign up for computer time? Programs were coded on paper, captured onto punched cards, input into the card reader, compiled and the results came back on the printer.

Once a program was compiled successfully, a script was coded and a job was run by operational staff. The technology continues to evolve to improve functionality and quality to users. Now it is used in some form in almost every field of human activity.

The Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California is a public benefit organization which preserves stories on the information age. The museum is dedicated to the preservation and social impact of the computing industry. It is home to software, computer graphics systems, internet and networking.

The museum is working to preserve information about the companies, people and events that shaped the evolution of this vital industry; and has a very active program to conduct oral histories, collect historical source materials and publish articles. The collection includes photos, films, videos, documents, advertising and marketing materials.

There are Speaker series, seminars and oral histories. The Software Industry Special Interest Group (SI SIG) is responsible for this effort, and was acquired by the museum. You can be a part of the effort to preserve software industry history by visiting the web site and using the Contact Us button.

I hope you enjoyed the walk down memory lane.

History of computer software
Computer History Museum

Michelle Obama with daughters Sasha (R) and Malia (L) leave the stage at the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver, August 25, 2008. (Chris Wattie/Reuters)Politico - Michelle Obama wasn’t always an admirer of Hillary Clinton, but last Wednesday the soon-to-be first lady dialed up the former first lady for pointers on protecting her two young daughters from the media maelstrom of the White House.

Rundll Errors Explained

Rundll errors are commonly encountered by many computer users. Knowing that the internet is growing at a massive pace on a daily level, and that more than fifty million people are logged in at any moment, many of whom are new entrants to the internet (thanks to the massive infocomm infiltration in developing countries), I shall approach this article in a way that everyone can understand.

Firstly - The Mighty DLL

DLL files are basically system files that are integral to any and all programmes written for the Windows environment. These files are like vast codex's, libraries that contain information, in one's and zero's, keys, codes and data used by programmes for reasons that is specific to its operation.

These DLL's are shared by many programmes, a centralised databank where they can access. Why? Well, if every programme has its own exclusive code and language, they would operate singularly against each other, sharing no information with each other, which would be extremely slow. Windows uses DLL's to run many functions, many programmes, reusing code and instructions within them for speed and efficiency.

For the techie in you, we are concentrating today on the Rundll.exe (16-bit) and Rundll32.exe(32 bit) which are evident in all Windows OS's. These are the tools that Windows use to run functions within shared DLL's - programmes and applications

Rundll Errors - How the Mighty have Fallen

Rundll errors are caused when there is a command line confusion. Basically, this happens when Windows tries to load a dll file that isn't there - unable to locate the dll file a programme is trying to execute. In simple terms, the dll has a set of instructions- which Windows 'listens' to properly launch programmes and application. The problem occurs when there dll file or code within the file is missing, causing an error and possible system crash.

The Causes

Usually, rundll errors are caused by malicious malware and spyware, or even virus files that have infiltrated your computer. These pirate programmes and executables basically take over the files being shared by the rundll applications. Certain viruses change the structure of these shared dll's, transforming code lines or making them totally inaccessible. Trojan attacks insert fake .dll files within the system folder, that then download malicious software that can further corrupt the .dll library.

What happens? Rundll tries to access these files when programmes or applications are launched. The missing code, new conflicting dll instructions or even missing files causes the infamous 'rundll error' message log. It can even lead to total system crashes.

What to do

You can use antivirus and antispyware programmes that can alleviate the situation. They track down all malware and bad software, viruses and delete them from your system.

But that is not effective enough. What about the tracks and damages left behind? A good load of these faults are stored in the Windows Registry.Remember, the registry records everything that happens within the computer. Trojans and malware even, when changing or hijacking dll's, leave their imprints within the registry.

Use a Registry Cleaner

This is the total solution to your problem A good registry cleaner will track down all rundll errors and resolve them automatically.It can identify and highlight the dll errors as well as other errors left behind by malware and viruses, thus speeding up your computer and solving most of your desktop dilemmas.

Click Here to get your windows errors fixed for free. Logan Albright helps thousands of people optimize their computers through a proper computer check up. He is an authority on troubleshooting computer problems at http://www.pcaholic.com.

AP - A former priest accused in many of the child sex-abuse claims that bankrupted the eastern Washington Catholic diocese has agreed to pay $5 million to victims, who'll likely never be paid.

Start Downloading Free PSP Games Now

Are you one of the millions and millions of people in the world who recently bought a psp and now are trying to maximize the use of it? Well look no further, you are now able to download psp games and movies an unlimited amount of times for free.

Understand that it is not completely free. Any legit site will require a very small one time fee for a "membership". we consider it free because if you take in consideration how many games you are able download and compare it to the small fee, you will realize you are getting all the games for free.

You must be careful and not get involved with a downloading site that is illegal. These are the sites that require no money. Understand that you will download psp games and movies at your own risk. You run the risk of being prosecuted, having pop-ups,and possibly even a computer virus.

A legit downloading site will guarantee that all downloads will be 100% legal and completely virus free. All downloads will be scanned to ensure the safety of your computer. Also because of the one time fee, there will be no need for pop-ups or any other ads that will be with your download. After all, since you are paying something up front they do not need to try and sell you and thing to get there money back.

All that is left at this point is for you to select a great resource and to start downloading all of your psp games and movies.

Click Here To: DOWNLOAD FREE Psp Games

AP - A former priest accused in many of the child sex-abuse claims that bankrupted the eastern Washington Catholic diocese has agreed to pay $5 million to victims, who'll likely never be paid.