Monday, October 6, 2008

World of Warcraft Profession Guide - Inscription 1-450

With the upcoming patch to WoW the profession Inscription will be added. There are a lot of mysteries surrounding this new profession. What will it add to the game? Will it be similar to enchanting? How can I level it? Do I need to stockpile materials? All of these questions I am about to answer for you.

First of all, Inscription will be allowing crafters to create Glyphs and Scrolls. These can be used to add effects to your character or abilities. For example, you may be able to add resistances or increase your magic damage effects. A known example is to have a mage's fireballs do periodic damage on impact as well as doing direct damage.

In some regards Inscription will be similar to enchanting only in that would will be adding magical effects to items. One big difference is that Inscription will allow you to sell the scrolls you create in the auction house.

As far as stockpiling mats is concerned, you should start now! It seems that Inscription will be using a lot of herbs as its base mats. These herbs will be milled to create pigments that are then used with different parchments to create scrolls. To give you an idea of how many herbs you are going to need lets look at what is known. You will need a stack of 5 of the same herb in order to mill them. Out of a few stacks you may get a few pigments. So that means you will need a large stockpile of herbs just to create the basic materials.

By following a guide you will be able to eliminate a lot of the unnecessary material waste on inefficient scrolls. It should also help speed up the leveling time of the profession.

For more information and to see an Inscription Leveling Guide please visit here: Inscription 1-450

A rear view of the charter bus that overturned, Sunday, is seen in a wrecking yard near Williams, Calif., Monday, Oct. 6, 2008.  Eight people were killed and dozens were injured when the charter bus overturned on a rural road late on it's way to an American Indian casino. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli)AP - A bus driver with a string of motor vehicle offenses and a history of substance abuse was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of drugs Monday after his casino-bound charter bus ran into a ditch, killing eight people.

Rohan Online Elf Templar Class Build (Pure PvE/Pure PvP)

This is an awesome build for the Elf Templar, great at PvE and great at PvP. Templars are in a sense battle priests. They are extremely difficult to kill in PvP and PvE making it easy to solo and great in parties.

Stat Build: This builds points are mostly distributed in Psyche but has some points in intelligence too. The main reason I put points into intelligence is to get the most out of the Hammer based attacks and the DoT's (Poison). This also leaves room to add skill points to some of the intelligence/psyche based healing and attack spells. I suggest if you get enough skill stones from cash shop or finding them from mobs you shoudl put them in Mental Barrier or Party Absorb HP, and Absorb HP.

PvE: You have access to Magic Barrier and MP barrier making you impenetrable and nearly impossible to kill. With these skills in your arsenal you will be able to take on multiple mobs at the same time and destroying then quickly without seeing your HP bar ever go down. Doing your quests and solo grinding is a breeze, your only problem is that you might get bored lol. This build allows you to be able to tank some smaller bosses and Pc Video Games feel much pain. However larger bosses that have alot of HP and do alot of damage it might not be a good idea to tank since you have very low hp. This build even allows you to act as a priest in a party if a pure priest cannot be found. Has good healing and good ressurection skills. Unfortunately you can do the killing in the party and need to focus on party survival unless you are great at doing some light killing and healing at the same time :)

PvP: This build and the Templar are very good in PvP. They don't have a huge amount of DPS but they can outlast most classes as they can absorb a ton of damage with MP Barrier and Magic Barrier and on top of that they can heal themselves making them immortal :) You can severely weaken opponents using Dispel on them and deleting their buffs and you have the ability to cast Reflection which makes you immune to enemy harmful effects and casts them back at them. If you are low on mana or your absorbtion buffs are out you can use the Teleport spell to buy you some time for a recast of them.

Stat Point Build at Level 99

The recommended spell upgrades:
(Elf Healer Tree)

1. Heal-Level 5: Heals the target by 600% of Intelligence and 600% of Wisdom.
2. MP Recovery-Level 5: Increases the MP recovery speed of the target by 60% for 15 minutes.
3. Root-Level 1: For 4 seconds the target is unable to move.
4. Cure Confusion-Level 1: Cures the target of confusion.
5. Divine Aura-Level 1: Party only skill. When monsters become hostile, instantly resets the aggro value of the caster.
6. Cure Silence-Level 1: Cures target of Silence.
7. Magic Buff-Level 5: Increases the magical attack power of the target by 25% for 30 minutes.
8. Group Heal-Level 5: Heals the entire party by 700% of Wisdom and 200% of Intelligence.
9. Reveal Hidden-Level 1: Hidden players and monsters in a radius of 12 will be revealed for 30 seconds.
10. Magic Barrier-Level 5: Absorbs physical damage 12 times the caster's Wisdom, lasts 60 seconds if not all damage is absorbed.
11. Teleport-Level 1: Instantly teleports 7 meters in the direction that the caster selects.
12. Resurrection-Level 1: Resurrects target of up to level 20 with 10% of HP.
13. Poison-Level 5: Deals 10 ticks of damage over time by 100% of Intelligence and 50% of Wisdom over 30 seconds.
14. Kill Time-Level 1: Causes the next skill cast to not have a recast time. Effective duration 15 minutes if unused.

The recommended spell upgrades:
(Elf Templar Tree)

1. Wisdom Buff-Level 5: Increases the Wisdom of the target by 15% for 30 minutes.
2. Reincarnation-Level 5: Resurrects target of up to level 100 with 75% HP and MP. Restores 70% of the experience lost.
3. Intelligence Buff-Level 5: Increases the Intelligence of the target by 15% for 30 minutes.
4. Rebirth-Level 1: If the caster dies within 30 seconds of using this skill, experience loss will not apply.
5. Absorb HP-Level 1: 3% of physical damage dealt is converted into HP.
6. Dispel-Level 5: Randomly removes 5 buffs from an enemy or 5 debuffs from a friendly target.
7. Holy Hammer-Level 5: Increases 1-handed hammer damage by 12% and attack speed by 60% for 30 minutes.
8. Party Absorb HP-Level 1: 2% of physical damage dealt is converted into HP for the entire party.
9. Reflection-Level 5: Harmful skill effects and debuffs are reflected back to the caster for 50 seconds.
10. Holy Crash-Level 5: 1-handed hammer attack skill with damage equal to 500% of Intelligence. Also stuns the target.
11. MP Barrier-Level 5: Each 10 HP damage taken is converted to 10 MP consumed.
12. Unravel-Level 1: Removes root status from the target.
13. Hammer Stun-Level 5: 1-handed hammer attack that damages 8 enemies in a radius of 14 meters and stuns for 6 seconds.
14. Final Crash-Level 5: Attack spell with damage equal to 800% of Wisdom.
15. AOE MP Drain-Level 5: Attack spell that damages the target and X enemies around it with 90% MP damage and does 14 times that amount as HP damage.
16. Cast Over-Level 1: The next skill used within 30 seconds can be cast instantly.

Credits go to

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Republican vice-presidential candidate, Gov. Sarah Palin, gestures during a campaign speech Monday morning, Oct. 6, 2008 in Clearwater, Fla. (AP Photo/Chris O'Meara)AP - By claiming that Barack Obama is "palling around with terrorists," vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin may have scored a political hit, but her attack was unsubstantiated and carried a racially tinged subtext that John McCain himself may come to regret.