Saturday, November 8, 2008

Star Wars - The Force Unleashed Reviewed For the Wii

Well after a short wait I've got my copy of the The Force Unleashed. I've finished it over two days. The Force Unleashed has been released on all platforms, meaning you can get it on the Wii, PS3, Xbox360, PSP, Nintendo DS and for that matter also on the PC. This review will concentrate mainly on the The Force Unleashed for the Wii (but many of the suggestions will be applicable to other platforms). The Wii though has it over other platforms already because of the interactive controls give you the feeling of one with the game - use the Wii Force Son, use the Force ..... seriously though if you want to force push you just push out with the left nunchuck - so much more fun than just pushing a button. Want to swing your light saber - swing the Wii remote.

The story - The Force Unleashed - fits in between episodes 3 & 4 with appearances by Princess Leia (they should have used Carri Fisher's Voice), Bail Organa, Mon Mothma and others. You actually start the main story as Darth Vader fighting the Wookies hunting down more Jedi. You find one and kill him. You then take on his son as your apprentice. Every level is similar - you fight a bunch of enemies and normally end the level with a battle against a "boss", either a Jedi, a Force User, a Rancor or a AT-ST.

Once you become Darth Vader's apprentice you assist in locating and wiping out more Jedi. You go to familiar Star War worlds from all 6 episodes. The Emperor discovers Darth Vader has you as his apprentice and is none to please and commands Darth to kill you - which he appears to do.

Vader says he wants you to start a rebellion to keep the Emperor busy. You comply and started building a rebellion. Along the line you learn that Vader killed your Father and you turn to the good side and want to really start a rebellion. This consists of rescuing various senators and destroying some ship yards.

Once you've got the council assembled Vader betrays you again and says the whole thing was an elaborate plan to get rid of the Emperor's enemies and you are disposable as well. You escape, and go on to rescue the council - in the process you fight Vader and then the Emperor. Vader is tough, and the Emperor is insanely tough with a huge repertoire of force powers and he drops explosions of one kind or another and is quicker than you can possibly react - the only way to defeat him is ignore the force powers and just go completely spastic with the light saber - a figure of 8 motion from the wrist on the Wii remote gets some nice saber moves going, if you get to his back go for it as its the best way to weaken him - i.e. a stab in the back. You defeat but decide not to kill him - bad mistake!

You save the council and then ..... die - bit of a let down really and not the traditional way to end the game - but you have to make room for Luke Skywalker and his showdown with Daddy and it wouldn't be good to have you spoil it all by killing Vader and the Emperor right now.

Oh well your corny death inspires the symbol of the rebellion.

The game also comes with a dual option which means you can have fun fighting your mates. One move you must master press the A button and hold the Wii remote horizontal - 9pm-3am to block lightening. Once your enemy stops hit him/her with a blast of force push to punish them for attempting to electrocute you. Once you get past just sapping each other, and learning the blocks, your going to have to learn some kick ass light saber moves to win long term.

The game was excellent in terms of playability, music, sound and graphics. Although some worlds were a bit too dark (lights please). The story was basic and really acts only as a base progressing through the levels. My only complaint was princess Leah's voice sounds crap and nothing like the actors.

If you liked Star Wars - Jedi Outcast, or Stars Wars Jedi Academy - then you are going to like this game. - for more Wii stuff, downloads and more

This article is the property of Alastair HARRIS and his immediate family. It may be freely republished over the internet but must include original links.

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, talks to media after she arrived at her office in Anchorage, Alaska on Friday, Nov. 7, 2008 for the first time since she began campaigning as Sen. John McCain's vice presidential running mate. (AP Photo/Al Grillo)AP - Gov. Sarah Palin denounced anonymous criticisms leveled at her by former John McCain aides as lies, including allegations that Republican lawyers were traveling to Alaska to reclaim her high-priced wardrobe and that she didn't know Africa was a continent.

Hitman: Blood Money Cheats and Codes for Xbox 360

Infinite money

Successfully complete any mission and earn as little money as possible. Save the game, then replay that mission again. Earn as much money as possible and create a save point immediately before escaping from the level. Then, escape from the level and the mission review screens will appear displaying your new account balance. Any additional money earned from playing the mission the second time will be added to your account balance. Next, press B to return to the first screen, then press Y replay the mission. A message warning that your progress will be lost will appear. Ignore this message, as your save points and account balance will not be reset. When the mission begins again, load the save point created immediately before escaping from the level. Escape from the level and the additional money will be added to your account balance again. Repeat this process as much as desired to get an unlimited amount of money.

Infinite saves in Normal and Expert mode

While saving during a mission on the Normal or Expert difficulty setting, press Start before the "Save Complete" message appears and it will not count towards your limit of saves. Note: This will not harm your saved game.

Free intel

Purchase all the intel when a mission starts. Make a note of it, then pause the game and choose to restart the mission. You will have your original starting money, and the intel will now be available for purchase again even though you know what it contained.

Alternate background

Successfully complete the game to alternate the main menu background.

Newspaper headlines

After completing a mission, the newspaper headline will vary depending on how you did. If you did poorly, the paper will say so in the paragraph. If you shoot very little and use mostly hand to hand it will say that there is not enough information to make a ranked description of you. If you completed the mission with high accuracy, it will state that you are a well trained marksman. Try completing missions differently to see different headlines.

License plates

Look at the license plates of cars in different levels. In the "A New Life" mission, the license plate of all the cars reads BADBLOD (Bad Blood). In the "A House Of Cards" mission, the license plate of the first limo at the casino reads "L1MONEY", or something similar.

Alternate ending sequence

In the final level "Requiem", Diana will give you the antidote to the death serum. You will fade in and out of life (power bar rises and drops to the beat of Agent 47's heart) while the credits roll. If you do nothing, the game will end. However, if you press the Left Analog-stick Up and Down (or any other buttons) repeatedly, you will come back to life and your mission will be to leave no witnesses.

Check out Cheat Code Central's Hitman: Blood Money Cheats & Codes for Xbox 360 page for more cheat codes, hints, tips, tricks, and our strategy guide for the game. For tons more cheats, reviews, previews, and much more for PS2, Xbox, PC, Xbox 360, GameCube, PSP, DS, GBA, check out Cheat Code Central.

Don Kasuboske, owner of the New Horizons Learning Center in Rockford, Ill., and the center's director, Diane Kesterton, are interviewed Wednesday, Oct. 15, 2008, about how the nation's economic troubles have impacted day care. With many parents dealing with layoffs and reduced hours, they are pulling their kids from day care as a way to pay bills. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)AP - The nation's economic troubles play out one family at a time at the New Horizons Learning Center in this struggling city two hours northwest of Chicago.