Thursday, December 4, 2008

Plasma Vs LCD TV - Buying a HDTV For Home Made Easy - Brand Vs Technology Comparison

It's obvious that you are into a Fit when it comes to choosing your new television. 100 Manufacturers with 100 Models each with a 100 Different screen size and varied features driving you crazy. Help is around. You just need to ask.

First of all let's consider the biggest question of the TV Buyer, Plasma or LCD? What's the big difference? It's a TV after all! Well its not. Knowing your requirements will actually help you make a decision.

  1. Screen size: what Screen Size do you require? Where are you going to place your TV? In the Kitchen or your Bedroom where you are restricted to size, Or in your living room which can accommodate quite a Good screen Size?

    Plasma Televisions are Quite Cheaper when it comes to large screen Size. Anything above 32 inches should be comparatively cheaper in the plasma range as to the LCD version

    Plasma TV's Are generally bulkier than its LCD Counterpart.

  2. Clarity: As you may have special requirements apart from your Daily news and the cartoon for kids. For instance a Gaming TV requires that you have a good clarity and instant turn around time for vision. Plasma TV's in this case have a few setbacks and certain advantages.

    A plasma TV has something called a burn area. When an image is set on screen for a long time (Say for instance a log of BBC channel while you are on the news for more than a few minutes) it tends to burn the image in the area. Even after you switch off the Television you see an outline of the Logo. This is not really good if you are looking for a gaming PC. LCD TV's Have Literally no Burn in.

    Plasma TV on the other hand have great image Contrast and Specifically greater Visibility on Dark image areas. This is still an area which WAS drastically required on the LCD TV. The current LCD Televisions have gone a long way ahead in this area already and the difference is minimal though it still exists. LCD's Have a graying effect on the image which deteriorates its image clarity Specifically the Color factor.

  3. Viewing angle: LCD TV has a maximum viewing angel of 160-175 Degree but the quality deteriorates as the angle increases. Plasma television on the other hand maintains its quality even at a decent 160 degree angle
  4. Screen Life: Though LCD TV boasts a 40 Year screen life with 4 hours of TV viewing a day as compared to the 20 year screen life with its counterpart Plasma TV you could always count in on at least 20 years for an LCD TV and a Good 10 years for the Plasma.
  5. Power Consumption: Plasma TV's May be cheaper initially but will drain in a lot more power than the LCD Television. If you look at the Cost structure you would probably pay more than the TV price for Power on a plasma TV than that for an LCD.

Conclusion: Based on your requirement if your factor is Size

The bigger Screen size with Great performance for General TV viewing and you have a fixed budget go for Plasma. On the other hand if you are looking for Special Purpose TV for gaming etc and looking for more life for your television check out the Plasma TV's.

Note: Based on Research, We find that more people Buy LCD TV than the Plasma Version. The reason for their choice is not been obvious yet. We also noticed that the Sony and Samsung Version of the LCD Televisions are sold more than their competitors.

Find Comparisons on Sony LCD TV and Samsung LCD TV Here. For the best prices. This article is a based on Research on Google Trends by Web Design India.

A handout picture from the Saudi Press Agency shows a team of doctors operating on two Iraqi conjoined twins in 2006. A week-old baby girl who survived a high-risk emergency operation to separate her from her conjoined twin is now AFP - A week-old baby girl who survived a high-risk emergency operation to separate her from her conjoined twin is now "very sick", a London hospital said Thursday.

Download Wii Games for Nintendo Wii

Most people have heard of the Nintendo Wii, but what they do not realize is that this system is just like all the other next generation game in that it allows you to download games directly to the hard drive.

If you are like me, I grew up playing all the great Nintendo game and the Wii allows owners to download old Nintendo game and more. This system has really stepped up their system compared to other game systems. The new video game systems now allow gamers to download games directly to their game systems. This has opened the door for all kinds of download sites and sometimes it can be hard to find a good site to download content. These sites offer all kinds of downloads, including movie downloads, music downloads, and even some of your favorite TV shows. The Nintendo Wii allows gamers to download all kinds of stuff, but the best downloads for the Wii are the old Nintendo game downloads like Mario Cart for the Nintendo 64 and just about any game you can think of dating back to the first Nintendo video game system.

The question is how do these sites work? First, you will need a good internet connection. Next, you will simply connect your Wii to your game system using a Ethernet connection or a standard USB cable. Next, access a site that offers Wii downloads and download it directly to your system hardware. The trick is finding a good site. Right now there are not too many Wii download sites available. You can try to type in the keywords "download Wii games" into your favorite search engine and see what comes up, but that may not get you to the best sites available right now.

If you are looking for a good site to get downloads try going to and click on the Wii downloads link in the top 3 downloads box.

Jason writes for a free directory for instant downloads, ebooks, and software.

US President George W. Bush makes a statement on World AIDS Day as First Lady Laura Bush looks on the North Lawn of the White House in Washington, DC. George and Laura Bush have bought a home in one of the wealthiest areas in Dallas, Texas, where they will live after the White House, her spokeswoman said Thursday.(AFP/File/Mandel Ngan)AP - President George W. Bush and first lady Laura Bush have bought a home in an affluent, North Dallas neighborhood, where they will live after the president leaves office in January.

World in Conflict - Excellent Story, Excellent Graphics, and Excellent Game Play

Immense destruction, beautiful graphics, and a chillingly plausible storyline. You want this in a Real-Time Strategy game? Massive Entertainment's World in Conflict delivers all this and so much more. World in Conflict (WiC) takes place in 1989, after the Cold War turned into World War Three. The single player plot puts you in control of a company of American troops trying to control a Soviet invasion of Seattle. I won't go into the story too much, but it is excellent, and more than once gave me goosebumps. However, multiplayer shines above even that, making for a very well-rounded game. WiC deserves its title of 2007 Strategy Game of the Year.

Single player puts you in the role of a Lt. Parker, just as the Soviets invade Seattle. The campaign is of average length, but involves good mission variety. WiC is not so much a typical RTS, with no base-building or resource management. Instead, the player gets a set amount of reinforcement points, which can be used to bring in different units. Once units are destroyed, their points eventually return to the pool, allowing you to repurchase additional units. Most units also have an offensive and defensive ability, giving them an extra push when needed. The other big point to the game is Tactical Aid. As you fight the enemy and take over control points, you gain TA points, which can be used for radar scans, artillery barrages, and airstrikes. It is extremely fulfilling to watch your artillery fall upon the enemy forces, or watch them walk right into your tank buster's line of fire. All portrayed in the most beautiful way I have ever seen in an RTS, with every object being destructible, and every artillery round leaving a crater.

As I said, multiplayer is where WiC comes into its own. Most servers are dedicated, not personally hosted, so there are always servers to be played on. When you enter a server, you can choose between the US/NATO or the USSR, and also a certain role. Multiplayer revolves around fulfilling your role, choosing from infantry, armor, air, and support. Infantry and armor are self-explanatory, air allows you to control helicopters, and support gives you powerful artillery and anti-air units. Different game types are also available: domination, which is taking more control points than the enemy; assault, where one side attacks the other's control points and then switches to defense on the same map; and tug-of-war, where one team must take a row of control points to push a frontline forward. The level of destruction is unprecedented, with up to 16 players throwing in dozens of air and artillery strikes upon the beautifully rendered scenery. Tactical nuclear weapons are also seen occasionally.

I will not lie; when I first saw WiC I was not overly excited, because it did not seem to reach the veteran RTS player. But after playing it for many hours, I can tell this will be one of my all time favorite RTS's. I love the story, I love the multiplayer, I love the graphics, and I love the gameplay. This is simply an awesome game. If you are looking to get into the RTS genre, then this is a great learning game for beginners. If you are an RTS vet and looking for something more, then WiC will deliver its great content in good fashion. I highly recommend World in Conflict, and will be playing it for time to come.

Scott is a student and avid strategy gamer. Please support him by visiting his blog for more info, reviews, and screenshots.

Taylor Swift Gets Zipand Other Grammy Surprises(E! Online)E! Online - John Mayer has a reason to get a date (like he needs one). Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus have a shared reason to grouse. Jennifer Hudson has a reason to smile.

Sonic The Hedgehog - The Official Game of Speed

The future of interactive gaming is driven by sound compression innovation, spatialization, broadband internet connection and the virtual rich experience of live music. Sonic the Hedgehog was categorized in the action/ adventure genre. The game was developed by Ugi Naka at Sega in Japan. Its definitive impression focuses on speed. Sonic moves too quickly. The players sometimes find self not able to perceived its environment. Playing it will, most of the time, makes you feel dizzy. The video game was released in 1991 which was like an overnight success. Sonic first became popular in the United Kingdom then United States. The like an example of a reverse import, its popularity spread back to Japan. Sega claimed that this game alone was responsible for moving millions of systems among the general community. Sonic the Hedgehog sales exceeded those of Mario and Nintendo and it is turning 17 this year. Its characters were associated from film and literatures. Sonic the Hedgehog was identified as a contemporary icon which made it so popular and successful.

The blue Hedgehog description

He moves in dashing and rolling. Actually it was all basic movements and interactions like walk, run, jump and attack. Sega Sonic fights in a different style. It involves rescue and protecting measures. It is nor just plain termination of virtual lives. Every one wants to be a hero sometimes even in a virtual game. This just gave players the satisfaction of becoming one. Well Sonic the Hedgehog does not like being idle too. When left unattended for a few seconds, it taps the screen hopefully to get back the player's attention. He will definitely stand up and look at you while tapping his foot. The game was indeed a high speed action platformer. As we all know platform games like Sonic influenced players to use their skills to be able to cunningly move through various levels which involve a fair bit of action. He's fuzzy, he's funny and he does have an attitude.

The emotional impact of playing Sonic

A good game knows what the players are thinking and looks over their shoulders every step of the way. The designer's craft made players feel like they are in control. The emotional experience was significantly sculpted as the game progresses. The trick was made by giving players the confidence that they have all the resources needed to meet those challenges. Then the challenges were sent to confront the players. The idea is to make them feel they have the ability to run with great speed, shoot bull's eye, jump higher and feeling smart while in control. The space, the character and the soundtrack makes you every bit of yourself feels invincible. Everything in the game gives you a good sense of effortless control. Any will get hooked with this high speed game and noting else seemed to matter after that. You will be amazed how far technology and fun can possibly indulge people to playing Sonic.

Press start to play Sonic

Grab the controls and start running as fast as you can from loop to loop. Collect gold coins with that good burst of speed. Then aim to send all obstacles scattering. The task is very simple. The only thing that you have to learn to do well is covering speed. You run, you jump, collect goodies and you avoid the bad ones. Simple instruction for a super speed Sonic: press space bar to jump and use the left or right arrow keys to move around. For the great spindash or spin and jump, just hold the arrow key and press the space bar. Be sure to cut your fingernails first just to make sure you're not breaking any when you start to play the Sonic. And never hit any obstacles while running. You are only allowed to hit it while you are spinning.

How did Sonic the Hedgehog cover his speed in terms of actual gross sales?

Video games could make you millions in a day better and bigger than movies. The pie chart shows that Sega has penetrated 45% US and 66% of the European market. Sonic was listed as one of Sega's biggest achievement. Records showed that Sonic the Hedgehog had estimated revenue of $893,654 out of the estimated 178,731 units sold from approximately 96 games tracked as of 07/11/07.

Travis Ludlow, Founder of highlights the good theings of the world. He has a B.S. degree from Brigham Young University and loves his family. Isn't it time, that we use the internet for good things for the world is his theme. Check out his other articles and website at

A handout picture from the Saudi Press Agency shows a team of doctors operating on two Iraqi conjoined twins in 2006. A week-old baby girl who survived a high-risk emergency operation to separate her from her conjoined twin is now AFP - A week-old baby girl who survived a high-risk emergency operation to separate her from her conjoined twin is now "very sick", a London hospital said Thursday.

World of Warcraft Quest Guide Discoveries

I am sure when you first started playing World of Warcraft you thought things were just so cool. The graphics are groovy and the characters are so colorful. But then as you progressed and move forward, you realized, you are spending more and more time playing this game and the quests are getting harder and longer to complete. Dont worry; we will take care of that problem for you. All you need is a World of Warcraft Quest Guide. We will show you exactly what you find in these types of guides and how it will impact your journey through Azeroth.

Let us first define what questing is. A quest is a short mission that you have to complete when playing World of Warcraft. Your journey or conquest in the world of Azeroth is full of quests. In order for you to level up to the next level, you have to complete some quests and do some grinding. Each quest you find will be different from the next. You are given specific instructions on what you need to do and the reward that you will receive upon completion of the quest. The rewards you get from the quests are usually according to the difficulty of the mission and where located. Like for instance, lets look at a quest that s found in the Goldshire. You are instructed to kill certain kobolds for candle. Once you complete it, you get the 50 experience from completing the actual quest, some metal because you have to go into a mine, and some wax sticks from the candles. In another example, there is a quest where you have to kill a unique monster and bring back his head. What you receive is 320 experience, and either tapered pants, layered vest, or a ensign clock. As you can see, your rewards are dependant on the quest that you complete.

Now that we know what a quest is, why do we need a World of Warcraft Quest Guide? It is simple, like we discussed earlier, you have probably been given quests that were pretty self explanatory and rather easy to complete. But, then you have also received quests that you had no clue what they were talking about and you were clueless as to how you were going to complete that mission. I am sure it was fun for you to kind of just stroll around and look out for whatever it was you were assigned to do but after a while, that gets old. You do not want to spend 4 days to complete a quest because you did not know that the item you were looking for was buried on the northeast corner of the island. This is where the World of Warcraft Quest Guide comes into play.

What you will find in these guides is the exact information and location of the targets you need to acquire to complete your mission. You will know where exactly to go, who to look out for, and what you should have with you so you are prepared to complete the quest quickly and efficiently. You will know where to enter a city from to avoid conflict. You will know if the monster you are supposed to kill has other around him and if they will attack you. The World of Warcraft Guides are full of this type of information and it will be beneficial for you to have one. The information that you get from these guides make it worth while to own one. You will definitely enjoy your journey more if you have a little hind site into what is ahead.

If you would like World of Warcraft Gold tips to boost your Gold count to 70-100 per hour, then feel free to visit and receive 2 FREE gold secrets to boost your count.

General Motors CEO Rick Wagoner, steps from a Chevrolet Malibu Hybrid car Wednesday, Dec. 3, 2008, at his hotel in Washington after driving from Detroit to testify at Congressional hearings on the auto industry bailout. If the Detroit Three automakers have learned anything since their last trip to Washington, it's that the old way of doing business just won't fly. So the decision by auto executives to travel in hybrid cars rather than corporate jets is just the start to overhauling their image as the industry pleads its case for $25 billion in federal loans.  (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)AP - The head of the nation's largest automaker took perhaps the most important car ride of his life Wednesday, traveling 500 miles, mostly over highway through four states, to Washington, D.C., where he will ask Congress for a second time to save his slumping company.

Download Unlimited Playstation 3 Games

Are tire of going to your local video game store only to realize you can not afford to buy all the games you want to play? The great news now is that that no longer has to be a problem. Thanks to the internet we are now able to download Playstation 3 games for free.

There are many sites available to download Playstation 3 games for free. All you have to do is determine which one you want to download from. Understand all sites that offer torrents are still considered to be illegal. All downloads from those site will be with the understanding that you are at your own risk. You will run the risk of pop-ups or catching a virus on your computer. You may even run the risk of being prosecuted for copyright laws being broken.

A legit site will guarantee all downloaded games will be completely safe and 100% legal. No worries about catching a virus or any unwanted pop-ups. A legit site will have a very small one time fee you must pay in order to download unlimited games. Typically this fee is about the same cost of buying one game from your local video game store. But after that small fee, you will be able to download as many games and fast as you want for free. Not a bad trade off for a small fee.

The other benefit from a legit site is that you will be able to download more than just Playstation 3 games. You will be able to download music, videos, and possibly even games for other systems.

Download Playstation 3 games immediately and stop wanting all those games you cant have.

Click Here To: Download Unlimited Playstation 3 Games

AP - A fire at the dormitory of a seafood company Thursday killed 11 workers and injured 10 others in eastern China, an official said.