Friday, October 10, 2008

Top 10 World of Warcraft Pets

If you've ever played Video Games Hunter in World of Warcraft, you're constantly on the lookout for a more powerful pet. Even though you may have become emotionally attached to that bear or panther you tamed at level 10, there are many creatures that make much better World of Warcraft pets than Cheap Video Games old "Mr. Whiskers".

Although some pets are better in certain situations than others depending on whether you want a tank or dps, there are a few animals that stand head and shoulders above the rest. Here's a list of the Top 10 World of Warcraft Pets along with where they're found, their ability modifiers, skills, and whether they make a better tank, dps, or general pet.

10. Nether Ray

Found in Outland, this WoW pet has a body much like a stingray with a long tail and two feathery plumes. It has crystalline growths and stripes running down its body, and all types are brightly colored. Nether Rays can be found in Netherstorm, Zangarmarsh, and Shadowmoon Valley (caster stats) with the Fen Ray from the Underbog as the only-non caster of this creature. Nether Rays get a big bonus to health (+10%), a smaller bonus to damage (+3%), but take a hit with well below average Video Games (-10%) and can be considered a hybrid dps/tank pet with the emphasis on dps. Their big "coolness" factor puts the Nether Ray at number 10 over other average to above average pets.

9. Wolf

Wolves are indigenous to many parts of Azeroth and are a very popular Hunter pet due to their large variety of skins and locations to find them at along with their Furious Howl and Dash skills. Wolves are average in damage and health but have above average (+5%).

8. Crocolisk

A crocolisk is a lizard-like creature, massive in length, and covered in thick, rough scales that run from the end of its tail to the tip of its maw. Mottled green in color with yellowish fangs, the beast is supported by six squat legs with webbed feet, each of which ends in short, black claws. Crocolisks are usually found near bodies of water and, in particular, in Durotar, Loch Modan, and the Wetlands. This World of Warcraft pet can learn Cower, Bite, and Growl but offer no unique pet skill. Some Hunters are annoyed by the hissing noise they make when sitting still, but their Atari Game Controllers armor (+10%) can make up for that and their lower health (-5%) if you're looking for a tanking pet.

7. Gorilla

Gorillas are found only in Stranglethorn Vale, Feralas, and Un'Goro Crater and can learn Cower, Growl, Bite, and their unique skill Thunderstomp which inflicts area nature damage and causes a lot of threat. Gorillas are not very popular as a WoW pet due to their scarceness and fussy diet (fruit and fungus) but their unique skill, medium health bonus (+4%) and damage bonus (+2%) make them a good tough pet.

6. Wind Serpent

A brightly-colored, winged serpent with a feathered head - essentially a flying snake. Found primarily in Horde territory, the Wind Serpent has high damage (+7%) with average health and armor. What makes the Wind Serpent a special World of Warcraft pet is it's lightning breath skill which deals a decent amount of ranged nature damage that scales with the hunter's ranged attack power. Unless fighting monsters with low armor or innate nature resistance, a Wind Serpent will have the highest dps of any pet. Be careful though, a large number of Wind Serpents have caster stats if you tame them as a pet. Stick with those found in Barrens, Thousand Needles, and Feralas just to be on the safe side.

Check out part 2 of WoW Pets where I reveal the Top 5 World of Warcraft Pets and my surprisingly ordinary number 1 pick.

A broker reacts as he works on the floor of the Brazilian Mercantile and Futures Exchange in Sao Paulo, Friday, Oct. 10, 2008. Brazil's main stock index plummeted more than 10 percent in early trading Friday after steep declines in Asia, Europe. Other Latin America markets fell sharply as well. (AP Photo/Andre Penner)AP - The booming prices for Venezuelan Nintendo Top Games Brazilian soy beans and Chilean copper that brought prosperity to Latin America are heading for a bust that threatens to erode the hard-won gains of its poor and newly emerging middle class.

The Exciting Prospect of Virtual Reality Computer Games

You may have come across the phrase either in gaming forums of in science fiction, but exactly what is meant by virtual reality, what is it, GameCube Accesories does it present us with any possible benefits or Cheap Video Games in the future?

This phrase can be answered by either simply looking at the technology currently used, and understanding the basics of how it works, and what it tries to achieve. The more complex way of looking at this concept is by firstly asking what we understand by the word reality, before we try understanding the idea of an alternate, virtual version of reality.

Basically, if we understand the idea of reality to be the sum of all of the sensory inputs our brain receives, virtual reality is the use of technology to replace as many of those sensory inputs as possible with computer generated ones, to fool the brain into Game Boy Accessories in a world which is false, and which only exists within the brain of the computer.

The most common form of virtual reality is one where the user wears a visor which wraps entirely round their normal field of vision. The computer then projects or displays a visual three dimensional world onto the inside f this visor, entirely replacing what the user would normally see with a computer generated view. The clever part of this is that the visor has a number of motion sensors built in to it, so that if the user turns their head, tilts their head, or moves their body entirely, the display inside the projector will move to match the user's movement, creating the illusion of the user actually moving around within this three dimensional world of the computer's.

Taking this idea further, the world may contain a number of objects, such as furniture, doors, objects that can be picked up and examined. By wearing special gloves which have a whole range of sensors built in to them, the computer can track the position, movement and actions of the user's hands, and work out whether they would be touching anything, and if so, how the objects would react. Would they be being picked up, turned, knocked over and so forth?

By adding audio as well, the user can be very immersed within this world, and with advancing technologies making greater and more realistic computer generated scenes, the user can very easily start to believe in this virtual world, or reality.

One way in which this technology is an exciting area for development is within computer and video games, and already we are starting to see early developments of this with basic visors, and hand controls which are motion sensitive. Eventually we may well all find ourselves entering an alternative reality in which to play our games, which would make chase scenes, fights and cliff top adventures even more breath taking!

Victor Hard to Find Video Games is an expert consultant about kids toys, dolls, and video games. You will find the best marketplace for kids toys, dolls, and used video games at these sites for toys, computer games, dolls.

A blacktip shark, Carcharhinus limbatus, in an undated photo. Scientists using DNA testing have confirmed the second-known instance of 'virgin birth' in a shark -- a female Atlantic blacktip shark named Tidbit that produced a baby without a male shark. (Matthew D. Potenski/Handout/Reuters)AP - Scientists have confirmed the second case of a "virgin birth" in a shark.

If You Play Arcade Games, Here are Some Tips to Play Games Online

For Sony Playstation 2 Adapters last few years, the only games my sons would play online were arcade games. I have to admit that these games are quite interesting, and if I was lucky enough to have some free time, which I did have some back then, I would sit with X-Box360 Video Games while they played and get quite involved myself. Though I dont have as much time for that anymore, those will always Hard to Find Video Games some of my favorite memories with my sons.

The thing about arcade games is that they are very intense. My sons would often get very worked up about the games, and that was perhaps most of the fun of it. The world inside that game is very real while Cheap Video Games are playing it, and it would often seem like that was all Nintendo 64 Accessories was to think about. Though arcade games are pretty common, there are only so many that can be considered very good. Everyone likes something different anyway, so there is something out there for everyone.

You do have to be careful when you play arcade games however, as they can be quite addictive. If you have any sort of work to do, you should do it before you play arcade games. My sons would get lost for hours in their online games, and there were a few times when my oldest son would almost forget to go to work. This can happen with any online game though. I know a few that I play have sucked away more time than I realized. It would seem the arcade games are the worst though.

If you are looking for some great arcade games to play, you might want to find some reviews first to see what you might want to try. You can find these all over the internet, and you can usually find tips and tricks to help you along if you have no idea what you are doing. Some of these games are more expensive, and its hard to know what you will like and what just wont work for you. You might also try free online games with someone you know to save a little money on buying new games.

Rick Bankson is a musician who has played in Hollywood with bands for many years. Currently he is the owner of Malibu Wood Carving. He likes to play arcade games in his spare time.

Director of the movie 'W.' Oliver Stone poses for a portrait in Los Angeles October 7, 2008. (Mario Anzuoni/Reuters)Reuters - Oliver Stone's film portrait of President George W. Bush was always going to be controversial given the director's liberal leanings.

Download PSP Games - 4 Things You Don't Know That Could Hurt You

It would seem like every gamers dream: Download PSP Games right Latest Video Games your device from an internet site. But what's the cost? Is it true, or is it just a bunch of hype to sucker you Nintendo NES Other Accesories giving them your email and credit card? Let's take a second to explore the truth about what happens when you Download PSP Games...

I stated my little fact hunt by doing what any person would do... I went to Google. A simple search for "Download PSP Games" yielded almost 2.1 Million different options, and almost all of them were hyped to the gills. Where should I start? How realistic is all this? There were quite a few unanswered questions. So rather than random clicking I started by checking out the popularity of these sites.

Download PSP Games Fact #1: There Are Too Many Choices

After a few hours of research I came to a rather obvious conclusion: There are just too many choices out there! It took some doing, but I was able to push away the massive curtain of hype enough to discover there are over 35 legitimate sites which offer the unlimited option to grab PSP Games.

I then bumped into my next discovery...

Download PSP Games Fact #2: Some Companies Are Scams

What?!?! A scam on the Internet? You've got to be kidding! (Yes, that was a joke.) After doing some deeper digging I uncovered a startling truth: over half of the sites offering downloads were PC Video Games what they appeared to be. Most of them were simply shells for a centralized PSP game and movie database.

That means a lot of these sites are Colecovision Accessories Same Company! So what's up with the price swings?

Download PSP Games Fact #3: The Truth About Wide Price Differences

Wouldn't it stand to reason if it was just one company offering the same thing to everyone there would be some standard pricing? Well, not if you understand what they're trying to do.

The massive differences in subscription costs are attributed to 1 thing: Market Research. All of the 'Dummy' sites are set up to see which draws in the largest group of buyers. They're testing you! They want to know which landing pages will make the most money, which price has the greatest response rate... those are just 2 reasons, but I can guarantee you there's about a million more!

Download PSP Games Fact #4: Even Doing Your Homework Will Cost You

Every single site, legitimate or not, requires you to register before you set foot in their product database. They do this to capture your personal information so later on down the line, after you download your games they'll know what you like and how to market more products to you.

Now, before you get all scrunched up about this you need to remember it's not really a bad thing! After all, if the site is legit, why wouldn't you want them knowing what makes you happy? The problem you should really address is this: which sites can you trust and which are going to leave you cold?

Hey, I get it... the idea of being able to download games... and for that matter Unlimited PSP Games For Life is pretty cool. I like it, you like it, everyone likes it! But when sites make it hard to tell fact from fiction THAT's when we have a problem.

Jonny Andrews (aka: GeckoKid) is a video PSP enthusiast who took it upon himself to uncover the truth about what happens when you Download PSP Games. He has spent the money and beat up the customer service reps so you don't have to! Check out his free information page where you will find undercover reports, tips, reviews and price lists for the safest and highest quality places to Download your PSP Games.

Oil prices slumped to one-year lows under 80 dollars per barrel, striking 75 dollars in London, amid a global equities meltdown that sparked fears over demand for energy.(AFP/File/Karen Bleier)AFP - Oil prices slumped Friday to one-year lows under 80 dollars per barrel, striking 75 dollars in London, amid a global equities meltdown that sparked fears over demand for energy, traders said.