Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Dai Senryaku VII - The Best Strategy Game You've Never Heard Of

So what is this strategy game with a name I can't pronounce? Dai Senryaku VII is a turn-based strategy game on a hexagonal grid for the Xbox that is imported from Japan. Before that worries you, it is all in English, in fact, besides the title, you wouldn't even know it was produced outside of the U.S. Dai Senryaku VII (abbreviated as DS7 for both our sakes) offers a very in-depth look at modern military conflict that is extremely satisfying. Even though it is for an aging system and won't be found in any stores offline, DS7 is definitely worth checking out.

DS7 lets you play as one of eight nations' modern militaries, with a total of over 400 different, real-world units to select from. Ranging from infantry, tanks, artillery, fighters, aircraft carriers, and many other types, it's easy to find the unit balance that fits the map being played and your play style. Units are produced (in free-play mode) only in proximity to one's Headquarters, with ships being built in ports and aircraft in airports. Each nation is presented realistically, which means that the U.S. and Russia will have better units than Japan or France, but it will cost them in deployment expenses. Logistics must also be managed, and supply trucks, ships, and tanker aircraft are vital in long-range fighting. Combat also takes place at different altitudes, with aircraft flying high, helicopters skimming the surface, troops on the ground, ships on the water, and submarines under it. Most units also carry several different weapons. A light helicopter may only carry machine guns, aircraft will have several types of missiles, ships will have a variety of weapons, and even infantry can carry anti-tank rockets, SAMs, and mortars. The depth will overwhelm those new to the playstyle, but will bring relief and add to the experience for a military buff. The camera is also very controllable and friendly.

There is a lengthy campaign that is linear, but the fighting armies are represented as different colors, with the player taking control of different nations from one mission to the next. Difficulty increases at a good pace, and the missions are widely varied to avoid repetition. Free-play mode allows the player to fight on any of the campaign maps, several dozen free scenarios, and even player-created maps from the map editor. Options are open to the player, including nations, funds, and alliances. The maps range from real-world looking, to made-up, and even the bizarre, like the moon and earth, or the outline of a cartoon face. The multiple options and map editor allow unlimited replayability.

So hopefully you've been fully introduced to a strategy game you've probably never heard of. That being said, I recommend checking DS7 out. While you won't find it in any store (most likely), it can be found online at Amazon.com and the like for a bargain price. It is very in-depth for a console game, and offers a lot of realism. Between the campaign, free-play, and a map editor, you won't get bored quickly. I highly suggest Dai Senryaku VII as one of the very few strategy games for the Xbox.

Scott is a student and avid strategy gamer. Please support him by visiting his blog http://greatstrategygames.blogspot.com/ for more reviews, info, and screenshots.

The Minnepolis Star-Tribune has scanned thousands of the contested ballots from the election between Republican incumbent Norm Coleman and Democrat Al Franken, seen here in November 2008, and is displaying them online at senaterecount.startribune.com.(AFP/Getty Images/File/Cory Ryan)AP - Democratic candidate Al Franken now holds a 50 vote lead over Republican Sen. Norm Coleman with almost all of the counting in Minnesota's Senate race done.

Online Degrees in Computer Science and Technology

May be most of the computer science students knows that there are many smart minded people in the Field of Information technology are selling online degrees; especially in the field of computers. You just need is to have a credit card or PayPal account to pay their fees and it is also very shocking news that most reputed institutes are offering the degrees. But these degrees are only remaining in a piece of paper it does not include our effort and trouble of learning the new things and give the exams and get the result. You can get the degree of any percentage marks depending on your amount. So, if you try to show this degree as your real qualification you can get in lot of trouble.

Computers are now become the most valuable machine of the world. Today, almost more than 70% work is rely on the computers. It is also playing role in the world economy. There are many business are running on the basis of just a computer software. As online learning is depend on the internet .So, if person takes course related to IT, it becomes easy for the person to understand it. They don't want to give much time to their study and can easily clear the exams There are actually many different specialties available when you get an online based degree in computer technologies. You can study computer science, software engineering, computer repair and maintenance, database programming, and a wide variety of other specialties within the realm of a degree in computer technologies at the internet. While learning they can easily apply their study in their current work. If a person is working in a IT company and wants its promotion. They can take a online degree course and can increase its impression on the boss.

A computer science student doesn't need to get training of basics of internet such as creating new account on the websites, visiting websites, checking the e-mail, sending e-mail, downloading documents or course material from e-mails which will be provided by institute at regular intervals, uploading documents and sending it by attaching files, searching any topic by using search engines, about popular websites providing material for the education, chatting software's for the live discussions, downloading software's etc. They should choose the better course which provide them some knowledge of new technologies of programming and platforms such as .Net , Visual basic etc. Almost every type of online course is available for the computer students because they are well acquainted about the internet.

In the IT sector, the technology is increasing very fast. As new soft ware's releases in the market new virus come out to break the software and hardware also. So, the companies need competent experts in computer technologies to fix computer problems and help employees make transitions. Companies are also hiring employers online and giving them work on the contract basis. So, the online degrees can work to show the profile in the online jobs.

Keith Londrie II is the Webmaster of http://best-online-degree-schools.com/ A website that specializes in providing information on Online Degrees that you can research on the internet. Please Visit http://best-online-degree-schools.com/ now!

Israeli soldiers check Palestinians after a pipe bomb was found in the belongings of a Palestinian man, at Beit Iba checkpoint, near the West Bank city of Nablus, Tuesday, Dec. 30, 2008. Stone-throwing clashes broke out Tuesday in around half a dozen places in the West Bank as well as in several Arab-populated areas inside Israel, in protests against Israel's military operation in Gaza. (AP Photo/Nasser Ishtayeh)AP - Israel is considering suspending its Gaza offensive for 48 hours to give Hamas militants an opening to halt their rocket fire, but the threat of a ground offensive remains if the truce does not hold, Israeli officials said Tuesday. Israel's defense minister, prime minister and foreign minister met Tuesday evening in Jerusalem to consider the proposal, officials said.

How To Download PSP Games - The Truth About PSP Game Downloads

If you're wondering how to download PSP games on the internet, then there are a few things that you need to know.

If you're a big PSP gamer then you know how expensive PSP games are and if you want to buy the latest games, the costs can really start to add up! Even if you're just renting games, you're still going to spend some good money over the months.

Well fortunately there are now PSP download programs available that, for a small one time fee, will allow you download an UNLIMITED number of PSP games! With these programs you can download pretty much any game out there including older releases, all the way to hot new releases too.

A great bonus is that you not only get access to game downloads but also movies, TV shows, sports, and even music for your PSP. It's all included with no pay per download fee or monthly fees! The download speeds are extremely fast also.

It's important to look for a program that offers a full money back guarantee. This is good because if you do not like the service, you can simply get a refund, no questions asked.

I have personally saved hundreds on game costs by using a PSP download program. If you own a PSP then it's an essential program to have. My biggest problem now is that I have too many games to play and not enough time to play them in!

Want to learn more about these PSP download programs?

Click Here For A Review of The Best PSP Download Programs Available

AP - The father of an 11-year-old girl who died, likely of hypothermia, after trying to walk 10 miles in the snow on Christmas Day has been charged with second-degree murder and felony injury to a child.

Final Fantasy Tactics PSP

For quite a while now, Final Fantasy has been considered as one of the best RPG games there is and the series is living up to that with the newest version which is Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions. Plus, it would be a vindication for the PSP as it has had games in the past that have the same non-realistic design, and it looks like FF Tactics is going to be an exception.

Not forgetting to mention that for this game, you'll be able to play two new character jobs: the Onion Knight and the Dark Knight. With the Onion Knight, you will be able to add to your strength while also compromising some of your other abilities. Meanwhile the Dark Knight will enable you to strike at your enemies and take magic points from them to increase your own. The second one is the Dark Knight, which permits you to whack your opponents; but if that isn't enough, you can always steal magic points to add up to your own and it will surely be an asset to your game.

As for the intricate plot line in Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions, it has raised the experience to a whole new arena, and everything else will go smoothly. Those other jobs included in the game are quite a challenge, taking you through various levels of gameplay and a staggering 60 battle maps to complete.

Final Fantasy Tactics is any RPG fan's fantasy come true. To add more thrill to your gaming, you'll have more character jobs which will take you various of levels to master; but in the end, it should pay off knowing that you have 60 battle maps to explore. Aside from the two mentioned above, you'd have more character jobs available in FF Tactics.

And if you have played previous games from the series before, you might recognize some of the characters that will be appearing in War of the Lions. You might recognize some of the characters in this game as some of them are returning for War of the Lions, such as Balthier from Final Fantasy XII and Luso from FF Tactics A2: The Sealed Grimoire.

The latest off of the Final Fantasy series takes RPG gaming beyond anything fans have expected from the popular classic. And although there were few who were saddened by the fact that this game is more of an expansion rather than a remake in itself, that is not entirely considered a flaw. This makes things even more interesting as it has taken its leap from the basic premises of the game and infusing more flavor to it. If it's from Final Fantasy, you can be sure that it won't disappoint!

When it comes to the technical aspect of the game, role-playing has never been this exciting. And though you might experience longer loading times at some points in the game, it's not something to bother you at all. Meanwhile, the two-dimensional characters are sweet reminders of what there is to love about this game, and everything has just gotten better as the game turns portable. Plus, the action sequence and level of intensity just would not let up since the moment you draw that sword!

Also as a bonus feature, you can view mini-clips of important events during the game, making it possible for you to view when and how it all happened. The mini-clips were amazing, and because it was done by Akihiko Yoshida leaves nothing more to be said.

Because you can view some of the important events in this game - like the kidnapping of the princess, the memory of Ramza, Delita's reed whistle and destructive explosion of Fprt Zeakenden - you have the luxury of setting them up however you want to play it, so that the actual game can be even more exciting. And because this game is too exciting to be played alone, now you get to share some gaming time with your friend. So you can tag your friends along to join you in your battle, or compete against them to see which one will prevail in the Final Fantasy world!

Samual writes about Final Fantasy Tactics on the PSP for the website Absolute PlayStation. Free Final Fantasy Tactics PSP Walkthrough are there too.

Japanese visitors applaud during a ceremony to mark the end of this year's trading at the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Tuesday morning, Dec. 30, 2008. The benchmark Nikkei Stock Average rose 112.39 points, or 1.28 percent, from Monday to 8,859.56 in the half-day session. (AP Photo/Koji Sasahara)AP - Most world stock markets rose Tuesday as Middle East tensions boosted energy stocks and the Nikkei eked out a modest gain in the last session of a year that was the worst on record for Japanese stocks.