Friday, January 2, 2009

Downloadable Nintendo Wii Video Games

The Nintendo Wii has indeed exceeded expectations of video gamers, not least those who were actually making fun of it, mocking urination with the sound of its name when it first came onto the scene. Today, it is a symbol of being up with Joneses, thanks mainly to the video gaming revolution that it has brought forth through Nintendo Wii Games.

Riding on the crest of the wave, new Wii games are being churned out thick and fast. In addition to the brick-and-mortar retailing outlets of physical discs, Downloadable Nintendo Wii Video Games over the internet has also caught on strongly. This mode of acquiring Video Games is popular because it's faster, easier and much more affordable.

As with other digital products, video games targeting the tech-savvy market have to be inherently downloadable. Currently, they can be downloaded from various sources: Nintendo Virtual Console on Online Shop Channel, numerous peer-to-peer (P2P) torrent sites and professional third-party games download service providers.

Wii Virtual Console is the most bona-fide of all the online options. It's the answer to those who are not up to the fuss and fun of physical shopping. That way, it saves time and gasoline too. The product is digital so it never runs out of stock either. The perennial disappointment is that its pricing remains prohibitive.

If cost is the foremost consideration, Wii video games can be found free-of-charge on plenty of peer-to-peer (P2P) torrent sites but people are generally well-advised to steer clear of them unless they're willing to contend with the viruses, malware and identity theft. The downloading process is also often glitch-ridden.

Wii download service providers make the most sense for avid gamers and not without reasons either. For a one-time subscription fee, you get access to unlimited media, inclusive but not limited to, Wii video games for a lifetime with all the works of 24/7 support, service and money-back guarantee thrown in. What more can we ask?

Are you contemplating How to Download Games For Nintendo Wii, we can help you. Visit our site at Downloadable Nintendo Wii Video Games for tips and related information.

President-elect Barack Obama waves as he and his wife Michelle board their plane at Honolulu International Airport in Honolulu, Hawaii, after spending the holidays in Hawaii, January 1, 2009. (Hugh Gentry/Reuters)Politico - HONOLULU — President-elect Barack Obama will meet with congressional leaders on Monday during his first full day back in Washington in an attempt to assuage rising concerns among Republicans and some Democrats that his economic stimulus plan is too costly and too rushed.

Why Flash?

Many possible technologies exist that can power web based games. Php, HTML, CGI and Java amongst them, but the most common plugin used to design browser games by far is Adobe Flash, previously known as Macromedia Flash. One of the biggest reasons for this is that Flash has become a definite web standard.

Many PCs come with the Flash player installed. It is compatible with Linux, Apple Mac, BSD, cellphones, PDAs and a whole host of other devices. Over 520 million unique installations of Flash have been recorded, and it has been around since the days of Windows 98. This statistic accounts for approximately 95% of all Internet users.

Flash Player is also a free download, so if the user does not have it, it's only a few seconds and negligible bandwidth away, no matter the platform. Likewise, Adobe Flash is a comparably cheap product for the developers, and time input required is minimal to create simple games, compared to using other technologies.

A powerful but often overlooked feature of Flash is that it makes small files. For ten megabytes, in Flash, you can get a full featured game. This helps Flash to appeal to dialup or slower broadband users where Java or C couldn't. Flash can also use database connectivity to save scoreboards, progress and account details, which is rare in a format so smooth.

Flash is efficient, applets made in it tend to run on computers that you'd be hard-pressed to find outside of an antique shop. It is the empowering technology of choice on a certain well-known pet site, which almost certainly has users on dialup and on poor computers.

Something to remember is that Browser Games have a completely different TA (target audience) than that of AAA list games. Browser games are made for the casual player, someone who wants to play immediately and at his/her convenience, as such it must load fast, play fast and keep the user's interest. Developing a successful Flash game is very difficult, because generally if a user becomes disinterested, one or two clicks will take him/her to a completely different game.

So, what about monetizing a Flash game? Well, the standard is based on the shareware model. You have a teaser version of a game on a website and then allow users to download a 'Deluxe' build for a set fee. Often the producer will allow lots of sites to list their 'teaser' games; this is a clever form of viral marketing.

Possibly the most solid reason to use Flash is that it would always be fairly easy to find people willing to draw in the Flash SWF vector format. Other technologies would require external animation but with Flash, the motion, the drawing and the script can all be done in a single interface.

Graphical objects within this interface can have specified alpha values, positionings, angles of rotation, explosion effects and many built in motion tweening effects. It is this versatility and built in function that makes it a real joy to work with.

Flash is fast-becoming the only standard for browser based gaming, because it requires no real programming knowledge. The scripting language is very well explained on several websites, and in the included tutorials.

But the main reason? Simple. There are many very dedicated sites out there which will effectively get your product out for free. Even if all the other points in this article didn't exist, it is the only format with true open distribution.

Jonathan White is the owner of Games Dash: Card Games | Extreme Videos | Optical Illusion Pictures

A man walks his dog near the yacht 'Bull', owned by a company belonging to financier Bernard L. Madoff, which is moored in Port Gallice in Juans Les Pins, southern France January 2, 2009. Authorities have said in court documents that Madoff confessed to running a Ponzi scheme for years that had losses of $50 billion in what would be Wall Street's largest fraud. (Sebastien Nogier - FRANCE/Reuters)Reuters - Everyone caught up in the scandal of accused Wall Street swindler Bernard Madoff wants to know where the money is.

3 Red Lights on the Xbox 360 - Help What Do I Do?

If you have found your way to this article then you probably have the famous three red lights error on your Xbox 360. This happens normally when you have been playing your Xbox and everything is working fine, and then you go back to it later on all their next day and push the power button and you are greeted with 3 flashing red lights.

So is there anything you can do to stop the 3 red lights on your Xbox 360?

Well the first thing you can do is ring Microsoft customer support and they will tell you to do a series of tasks to try and fix it. They will suggest things like removing the hard drive, turning the console off and back on, and then they will probably say that they will send you a repair cardboard box out, then you will need to put the broken console in the box and send it off to them.

This sounds fine in theory, however the repair work on your Xbox can take up to four weeks and that is a long time to be without your games!

So is there any easier way to get back to your games and stop the 3 red lights flashing?

The other way you can fix it is to repair the problem yourself, this sounds more difficult than it actually is! As the reason this problem happens is because the two main processing chips on the motherboard called the CPU and the GPU take too much heat and all you need to know is how to stop this from happening.

There are a few different Xbox 360 repair guides on the net that will show you how to do this and some of them are very good. As with anything there is a big difference in the different quality of these guides so make sure if you are going to go down this route that you get a guide that has a full guarantee, and also step by step videos so you can just follow through and repair your console.

As long as you follow the above tips you should not run into any problems and you will be able to get back to your games today in no time!

I hope this article has told you a bit more about the Xbox 360 3 red lights and how you can get rid of them today.

Happy gaming!

For A FAST, GUARANTEED and EASY way to perform Xbox 360 Repair and get back to your games today then click the link below and download the best Xbox 360 Repair guide with step by step videos:

Xbox 360 Repair

Jun Kwang-woo, chairman of the Financial Services Commission, center, and representatives from securities industry participate to celebrate the opening ceremony for the Year 2009 trading at the Korea Stock Exchange in Seoul, South Korea, Friday, Jan. 2, 2009. The Korea Composite Stock Price Index (KOSPI) started with 1,132.87. (AP Photo/ Lee Jin-man)AP - World stock markets opened 2009 on a high note, with Hong Kong's index up more than 4 percent, as investors shrugged off more dreary economic news to focus on government moves to ease the global slump.

Bakugan Battle Brawlers Explained

There are going to be a lot of confused parents in the UK in the next couple of months as their kids start asking for spring loaded plastic marbles known as Bakugan. These toys stem from the worldwide phenomenon television show, Bakugan Battle Brawlers.

Let me first explain the television show. The Bakugan Battle Brawlers are the group of kids who play the game of Bakugan. It involves throwing down cards and then spheres on top of them to release the Bakugan creatures. The program also follows the exploits of Dan Kuso and the rest of the gang and all their personal relationships.

The Bakugan toys work more or less on the same principle as the television show, which is the genius of the idea. Sega have had a lot of input into the Bakugan game and it is widely regarded that this toy has succeeded where many previous television-related toys have previously failed, with the most notable being Pokemon. Yes, they sold millions of toys and games and the show was a worldwide success but where they failed was coming up with a way to allow kids to play the game themselves exactly as they see it on screen. Bakugan takes this one step further.

The good news for parents is that Bakugan toys will retail quite cheaply, with a single sphere and card set being on offer for around 5. Unfortunately, kids will probably want to build a collection which could prove costly, especially in the run up to Christmas. You can of course get all the paraphernalia, like the Battle Arena and the Bakugan Launcher, which are slightly more expensive.

There's more Bakugan information at Bakugan UK.

Nicole Kidman arrives for the British premiere of 'Australia' at Leicester Square in central London December 10, 2008. (Andrew Parsons/Reuters)Reuters - Maybe Crocodile Dundee should have starred in "Australia."