Friday, October 10, 2008

Download PSP Games - 4 Things You Don't Know That Could Hurt You

It would seem like every gamers dream: Download PSP Games right Latest Video Games your device from an internet site. But what's the cost? Is it true, or is it just a bunch of hype to sucker you Nintendo NES Other Accesories giving them your email and credit card? Let's take a second to explore the truth about what happens when you Download PSP Games...

I stated my little fact hunt by doing what any person would do... I went to Google. A simple search for "Download PSP Games" yielded almost 2.1 Million different options, and almost all of them were hyped to the gills. Where should I start? How realistic is all this? There were quite a few unanswered questions. So rather than random clicking I started by checking out the popularity of these sites.

Download PSP Games Fact #1: There Are Too Many Choices

After a few hours of research I came to a rather obvious conclusion: There are just too many choices out there! It took some doing, but I was able to push away the massive curtain of hype enough to discover there are over 35 legitimate sites which offer the unlimited option to grab PSP Games.

I then bumped into my next discovery...

Download PSP Games Fact #2: Some Companies Are Scams

What?!?! A scam on the Internet? You've got to be kidding! (Yes, that was a joke.) After doing some deeper digging I uncovered a startling truth: over half of the sites offering downloads were PC Video Games what they appeared to be. Most of them were simply shells for a centralized PSP game and movie database.

That means a lot of these sites are Colecovision Accessories Same Company! So what's up with the price swings?

Download PSP Games Fact #3: The Truth About Wide Price Differences

Wouldn't it stand to reason if it was just one company offering the same thing to everyone there would be some standard pricing? Well, not if you understand what they're trying to do.

The massive differences in subscription costs are attributed to 1 thing: Market Research. All of the 'Dummy' sites are set up to see which draws in the largest group of buyers. They're testing you! They want to know which landing pages will make the most money, which price has the greatest response rate... those are just 2 reasons, but I can guarantee you there's about a million more!

Download PSP Games Fact #4: Even Doing Your Homework Will Cost You

Every single site, legitimate or not, requires you to register before you set foot in their product database. They do this to capture your personal information so later on down the line, after you download your games they'll know what you like and how to market more products to you.

Now, before you get all scrunched up about this you need to remember it's not really a bad thing! After all, if the site is legit, why wouldn't you want them knowing what makes you happy? The problem you should really address is this: which sites can you trust and which are going to leave you cold?

Hey, I get it... the idea of being able to download games... and for that matter Unlimited PSP Games For Life is pretty cool. I like it, you like it, everyone likes it! But when sites make it hard to tell fact from fiction THAT's when we have a problem.

Jonny Andrews (aka: GeckoKid) is a video PSP enthusiast who took it upon himself to uncover the truth about what happens when you Download PSP Games. He has spent the money and beat up the customer service reps so you don't have to! Check out his free information page where you will find undercover reports, tips, reviews and price lists for the safest and highest quality places to Download your PSP Games.

Oil prices slumped to one-year lows under 80 dollars per barrel, striking 75 dollars in London, amid a global equities meltdown that sparked fears over demand for energy.(AFP/File/Karen Bleier)AFP - Oil prices slumped Friday to one-year lows under 80 dollars per barrel, striking 75 dollars in London, amid a global equities meltdown that sparked fears over demand for energy, traders said.


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