Saturday, October 25, 2008

Fun Outdoor Games and Tips

This weekend, instead of non-stop video games and TV, try turning your family onto some fun outdoor games.

You might be saying to yourself, "You don't know my family. I'll have a snowball's chance in hell to get my family outdoors." Don't worry. The games and tips presented here will keep everyone engaged, having a blast and begging to play more.

Three Holes is a fun ball game for 2-10 players or more. You'll need a hard dirt playing surface and a golf ball for every player. First make three shallow holes with your heel, all in a straight line with five to fifteen feet between the holes. Add a rolling line next to one of the end holes.

The object for each player is to roll his ball into each of the three holes two times. If he misses during any roll, his ball stays put and the next player takes a turn. The next player can roll his ball to the hole or to his opponents ball. This can be beneficial if the other players ball is closer than the hole. If he hits the ball he can throw from that spot to the hole and proceed to the next hole. When he lands in a hole, he rolls to the next hole by first placing his heel in the previously landed hole and rolling to the next.

Fun Outdoor Games Tip. Studies show that outdoor play is maximized when appropriate equipment and materials are combined with grown-up participation. So rather than sending your kids out to play, go toss a ball with them, play a chasing game or teach them some of the fun outdoor games from your childhood.

Three Deep is a fun tag game for children and adults. You'll need at least 15 players. All the players except two form a double circle (couples), all facing inward, with one player standing behind another with about 3 feet between them. The two remaining players are designated as the chaser and the runner.

The object of Three Deep is for the chaser to tag the runner. Any runner may find refuge at any of the "safe points," (inside the circle in front of any of the couples). The outer player (three deep) now becomes the runner and can now be tagged by the chaser but the new runner can't take refuge with any couple to his direct right or left. When a chaser tags a runner, they switch places. Running through the circle is okay but no player may stop for refuge in the circle. Play until tired.

Fun Outdoor Games Tip. One of the main reasons families don't have fun outdoors is because parents forget the purpose of going outdoors. That is to have fun. One way to avoid this breakdown is to have periodic fun checks. All you do is check from time to time that everyone is having fun. If a breakdown is identified, everyone works together to make things more fun. The fix might be a game change up or slowing down the pace of the game.

Stealing Sticks is a game for 10-30 or more players. First divide the playing field into two equal parts and mark a goal on the ground at the end of each side. Next, place six sticks at each goal. The object is for one team to acquire all the sticks. Whenever a player makes its safely to the other goal, he carries back one stick and is exempted from being tagged on the way back. If a player is tagged in the process of stealing a stick, he becomes a prisoner. Prisoners can be freed when tagged by another teammate and are exempt from being tagged on the way back. No sticks leave the goal area when players are in prison.

Fun Outdoor Games Tip. One way to maximize fun is to invite several families for a fun outdoor games night. Games can be much more fun as you add in some friendly competition. Next find some unique and super fun games. Finally pick a date, select the best park in town and have fun.

If you liked this article and want more ideas for fun outdoor games, be sure to visit for some of the world's best action and slow-paced outdoor games that cost little or no money.

Neighbor: Hudson's Family Had E! Online - UPDATE: Jennifer Hudson's publicist, Lisa Kasteler, has issued this statement:


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