Saturday, October 25, 2008

Technology, Humans, and Points of View

It is interesting to often ponder upon what the future holds for Humanity. The age-old ritual of thinking about how life will be in the future is almost a type of implanted logic or recurring thought that has been implanted into humans of all walks of life. Below are a few concepts scattered in segments of some interesting considerations and visions that I ponder upon frequently related to Technology, the mind, Influence, Inspiration, and other related topics.

Technology and Humans

Technology is a divine gift that has been given to humanity for the purpose of its progression in a variety of ways. It is something that is changing our realities in almost every which way, shape and form. It is allowing what we considered to be science fiction to become reality. It is of great Enormity to humanity as a whole, and it is something so grand that, I believe, will infuse progression or destroy humanity. It also something that holds such great power and creates colossal effects to everything. Technology is divine knowledge that has been given to man in order for him to either create greatness or destroy himself. It is not an accidental discovery that man has stumbled upon, as man could not even tie his shoes without the power of the divine. We are completely nothing without the higher beings that exists. Technology coupled with free will allows our actions here on earth to be exponentially carried out, whether positive or negative to our very existence. The future holds just so many possibilities of what could be. I believe, We are all responsible for contributing to shaping the future in some way or another, whether a minute act that influences a chain of events or in a other major ways such as when an individual invents a new type of technology, art form, or ideology.

Beyond good and evil revisited

Can our limited human capacities comprehend the concept of beyond good and evil?. Perhaps through a deep imaginative conceptual process, we can try to begin to engage in what this truly means. Through human art-forms we can often inch closer to trying to express what this means. Our reality, thought processes, and human experience is just so repeated with recurring good and evil concepts that it is difficult for us to escape from its clutches. Beyond good and evil is a type of godly concept that is difficult to understand because our genetic codes have been program ladened with barriers for us not to often understand beyond our coded programs.

The Re-Programming of the mind

Our minds reflect a computer in just so many ways. Short term memory being RAM, long term memory being a hard drive storage, processing power being our capacities to process information slower or faster, and ways of thinking which reflects a computer application. The human genome could be compared to a seed key generator which generates various types of computer applications according to a random number generation, and of which maybe no program is exactly identical, but can be similar. Can the mind really be re-programmed by the same individual who has the program already coded inside his or herself? I believe this to be so; however, there are some that understand the code more deeply and can re-program themselves more easily, and in shorter periods of time.

Communication, Influence, and Inspiration.

Communication, influence, and inspiration are three fundamental concepts that are part of our human experience which help to invoke some type of motion into individuals. Whether these motions are physical, mental, or spiritual, they should still all be considered as motions in equal form. Of course ultimately, mental and spiritual communication, influence, or inspiration should be translated into a physical form of action as in a musician that creates a new song, a painter that begins to paint a new on a new canvas, or a scientist that takes a step towards creating a new type of technology.

Communication is like a human protocol standard, and within that standard we have other segments that include influence and inspiration all through the standard of communication. Influence can often be conscious and subconscious, which we are aware of unaware of. Influence can also be a subliminal seducer often times by implanting itself into our psyche without our awareness, and then appearing suddenly when we least expect it when we find ourselves in certain situations. Inspiration is an opiate for the soul that is present within the creations of our creator, the divine actions or creations of other humans, and through cosmic elements that are sent to us from other existence out in outer space. The first two influences are the most obvious as we can usually easily identify the origins of these; however, the last one being cosmic elements influence from outer space is much more difficult to identify because this can be sent from infinite beings who are difficult to grasp with our such finite capacities and perceptive senses.

Cosmic influence is so difficult to prove to others, and so I think the faith factor plays a huge role in helping to identifying this. Without faith it is often difficult for each one of us to believe that something exists without reaching our senses of sight of touch. Human arts are worlds of elements that allow us to express the inexpressible otherwise, and they are divine tools given to humans for this purpose. We are just such limited beings in such a such vast cosmic existence. Human life is a teacher so that we may grow into something larger than what we already are as individuals, and perhaps contribute what we've learned here on Earth to a human life knowledge network.

Line Noise

Ashley Todd, a 20-year-old college student from College Station, Texas, right, is buckled into a police car by a detective in Pittsburgh, Friday, Oct. 24, 2008. Todd, who had told police that she was robbed at knife point, knocked to the ground by an assailant who scratched a backward letter 'B' into her face with a dull knife, told investigators on Friday she had made up the story, police said. (AP Photo/Keith Srakocic)AP - A McCain campaign volunteer made up a story of being robbed, pinned to the ground and having the letter "B" scratched on her face in what she had said was a politically inspired attack, police said Friday.


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