Friday, October 24, 2008

Video To Flash

I don't know about you but the thing I hate about doing videos is the time that they take to make good ones and the size of the thing when you have finished. Video To Flash eliminates the bulky files and makes find Video games>for a much better viewing experience.

It does not matter whether you make them professionally or not they still do not come across very well when Video is used to promote Websites, Companies, Products or Services on the Net!

To do decent videos from home or even a studio is tedious to say the least. Yes I agree that you can do videos in minutes buts lets be honest here how good are they?

They stop and start, shake and the sound is not very good either! The major problem with them when being used to advertise products is that they are way too big and take too long to load into a website.

If you are anything like me I find that I get bored just waiting for the video to load that I am out of there and on to the next page and that applies even to a video that I would have used for my own products.

In fact I get so frustrated waiting for them to load that I even avoid most pages that have videos on.
I have broadband and they still take a long time loading especially if the other end is real slow.

Well, the other day I came across a person who showed me that it is possible to get videos onto websites without taking ages to load and also that were a heck of a lot smaller in size than they normally are.

Personally I thought that getting them smaller would decrease the quality but when I look at the video To Flash videos I do not see any loss of quality in fact if anything it seems to be a whole lot better visually than the original video.

Also with this method you do not have to mess about loading and clicking on any other software media players to view it on. In fact it is really great as you now do not have to download a horrible huge video file.

Something else that I noticed while watching a Video To Flash video playing was that the picture did not degrade when it was enlarged or reduced which is one thing that you cannot say about most
Videos doing the rounds at the moment.

How is that possible I asked myself. Then I came across the answer to how it is all done. When I tell you that it is easy to do, that is exactly what I mean, real easy to do.

Okay so how does it all work? As I said above it is very simple you still have to produce a video but this time you do it by simply using these three steps that you would normally use but with a twist!

1)Make A Video

2)Shrink the huge file size and get it ready for the internet

3)Then convert it to html or whatever format for your web and then publish it.

Step one is really easy as all you have to do with today's technology is use a webcam, video camera or even a normal digital camera if it is able to record in movie mode.

Steps two and three are usually the hardest because no matter what you do to reduce the file size you are always competing with quality versus file size.

Up to now that has been the hardest part to control so if you are frustrated by the time and trouble it takes to get video on your website? Then I have some good news for you...

Thanks to advances in web video technology you can now put any video on any website in just a few minutes. It transforms huge video files (.avi, .mpg, .wmv, etc.) into small, Internet-ready "flash" videos so quickly and so easily that ANYONE can do it in just minutes.

So if you would like to learn more about what it is and convert your videos to flash then please visit here.......

Paul is a prolific author on various subjects like Advertising, Reviews and making money on the net. If you would like details on how to price keywords or phrases for Adsense, or even how to find a Niche, then you may like to visit here.......

This undated handout photo provided by the Scripps Institute shows Scripps geoscientists Ray Weiss, left, and Jens Muehle  in San Diego, Calif., amid collection cylinders used to collect air samples from a variety of locations around the world. Weiss and Muehle led a study that found that the greenhouse gas nitrogen trifluoride, used in the manufacture of flat-panel monitors, escapes to the atmosphere at levels much higher than previously assumed. Two major and potent greenhouse gases are building in the atmosphere, raising an unexpected new threat for accelerating global warming, new studies show. The gases are methane and nitrogen trifluoride, and their levels are building faster than expected. (AP Photo/Scripps Institute, Robert Monroe)AP - Carbon dioxide isn't the only greenhouse gas that worries climate scientists. Airborne levels of two other potent gases - one from ancient plants, the other from flat-panel screen technology - are on the rise, too. And that's got scientists concerned about accelerated global warming.


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