Saturday, October 25, 2008

Get Paid For Video Game Referrals - When the Heck Did This Start Happening?

Get Paid For Video Game Referrals! Excuse me but where the heck was this idea when I was so out of work in 2001?

Guess what, the online multiplayer video game business has EXPLODED nuclear-style. In 1999, the online multiplayer gaming industry was pulling in a paltry $2.2 billion dollars. That's billion with the second letter of the alphabet there, guys.

In 2009, that number is projected to hit OR EXCEED $55.5 billion.


And the demographics are shifting as well. We're not talking about just the disgruntled 24 year old with $57K in college debt any more. As the games themselves shift and no longer just include role player shooting, and move into online golf and online racing (for just two examples) the ages of the players is going up as well.

As if that's the case, more and more money is about to flood in.

And with all that potential, you now can get paid for video game referrals by literally your own gaming sites and letting others try your games for free! You monetize when the players want to upgrade to playing for longer.

Could not be more simple.

You give away the games to the people who want to try them for free and you make money when players beg for more.

Sounds like a tidy little plan to me.

On top of all that, imagine that you could learn how to market all of this by doing exactly what the net needs it more great keyword-thick content.

Imagine feeding the search engines the right keywords in your blogs and articles and Craigslist ads and in your forum posts! All in the hopes of attracting more and more people to your giveaway sites.

It becomes a nice endless circle. With you in the middle, standing there, allowing the dollars to fall gently into your open, waiting wallets.

Hold me. This is a wonderful thing.

Let's recap... you came here looking for ways to get paid for video game referrals. But did you ever think you would leave with a way to do that and feed Google what Google thrives at the very same time?

Learn more about how to get paid for video game referrals

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The White House seen on October 22, 2008 in Washington, DC. The White House pleaded Friday for patience with a mammoth economic bailout, as a wave of panic selling drove a global share price meltdown on fears of a painful worldwide recession.(AFP/File/Karen Bleier)AP - The bailout is now the hottest lobbying game in town.


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