Friday, September 19, 2008

The Easy Way to Find Super Profitable Niches

The most important step in building your online business is without a doubt: market research.
Find the right niche and the rest is easy. Find a niche with too much competition and or where people just aren't interested in buying anything online and you're business will sink faster than a bowling ball thrown overboard.

Market research is where the real decision is made as to who will prosper and whose business will wither away.

Even though it's that important, people ignore this vital step because it seems boring.

I'd like to share a strategy today that you might actually enjoy to finding a niche that can earn you a comfortable living online and kiss your boss goodbye forever (if you can do so without losing your lunch).

First you need to realize that the best niche for you might not be the one that you know the most about or excites you the most. It's nice if it is. But there just might not be too many people out there interested in underwater basket weaving to support yourself online.

So it's important to first find out what's hot and what's selling and ONLY THEN create a product that the market really wants.

Where do we come up with ideas for niches that are chalk full of hot of buyers.

Let me suggest that you start your search with a stroll to your local bookstore. Take a look at the magazines that are placed at eye level. These are the ones selling well. Look at what niches they cover.

If those magazines are selling well in those niches you've got solid proof that there's plenty of people willing to pay for this sort of information. Jot down some notes about niches you might be interested in and then go home and research these niches on the internet to nail down your niche even further.

Try to figure out what problem they have that's still not being fully addressed by going over to Amazon and Ebay and look at their "top sellers". Don't reinvent the wheel, just add a new and improved twist on those products that are already hot and you'll always be certain that there is a market of hungry buyers interested you're product. Maybe there's a solution to dog training but there's no step by step guide with diagrams, for instance. See where you can step in where everyone else has left off and make the market even better for the customer. Do so and you're guaranteed to have hungry buyers for your product.

So first find the demand, and then fill it. Not the other way around.

Ready? I'd like to share with you the secret I use to find niches that are not only hungry but are starving for my products.

Armed with this secret you'll be able to charge more for the same product , work less to promote it and humiliate your competition. You'll find the answer at:

Residents receive supplies from the National Guard troops after Hurricane Ike, in Galveston, Texas September 14, 2008. (Carlos Barria/Reuters)Reuters - The men gather early on street corners here in storm-battered Houston, ready for the jobs they know will come their way, sweeping up broken glass and clearing downed trees and debris from city streets.


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