Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Retiring Younger and Wealthier

Over the last twenty-five years, the vast majority of employers have shifted the burden for saving for retirement to their employees, not only cutting health benefits, salaries, and jobs, but also leaving them with all the risks and difficulties of understanding how to build, manage and distribute a retirement nest egg. Some employers will match contributions to IRA's or 401K's, but even that has begun a trip into the past for some.

The bigger your retirement dreams are -- or the sooner you want to jump off the career ladder -- the more attention you need to devote to financial planning. If you're willing to take a look at some optional forms of income that can give you the freedom you've earned while living the lifestyle you deserve, you may find yourself skipping joyfully all the way to the bank, younger and wealthier than you ever imagined.

Of course there are the traditional ways to grow your money, the IRA, 401K, Securities, Investments, etc. These are great ways to grow your money, especially when the economy is doing well, and if you have the discretionary income to keep reinvesting.

But if you're starting late, say in your 40's because of unexpected changes in your life or simply not paying close enough attention to what your money was doing, then a supplemental income could be a great way to not only retire earlier, but with residuals that may be less subject to inflation or market fluctuation.

These "on-the-side" small business ventures could make you anywhere from 3000.00 per year to 60,000.00+ and can be done in as little as 2 hours per evening, depending on the business you choose. Yes, I am talking about internet and small home businesses and it does take some effort and character, to hang in there through the building process, but I'm certain you'll find it worth all the trials to come out wealthier and younger than you ever imagined you would be when you retire.

Kerry Baxter is a successful Christian businessman, husband, father and mentor. He works with industry leaders and top mentors in the internet marketing business. To learn more go to the following web site. - You're tired. You could put your head down on a desk right now and fall asleep immediately. You went to bed late last night, had trouble falling asleep and woke up too early. And let's not kid ourselves: Tonight will be the same unless ... well, read on.


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