Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Retirement, So What Is Next

Now that you are about to reach the stage in life where you can retire, what are you going to do next? Assuming that you have enough income from pensions or investments, you probably have your life planned for the next several years, right?

Or, what if you want to retire, are sick and tired of your job, but know deep down that you'll not have enough money to do more than pay your taxes, buy food, and find yourself bored to tears reading the newspaper, reading a book, golfing, walking, visiting old friends, or whatever. Does this sound like the kind of life that you've been looking forward all your life?

Well, if it isn't, it's time to dust off a couple of things you've put on the back burner for a few years. One of these tools you'll want to resurrect is your goal setting tool kit. Why? It's simple. If you have nothing left to accomplish, if you have no new dreams or accomplishments to work towards them your life is going to be missing a crucial element to happiness. Many people I've talked to that thought they knew what they wanted or what they would enjoy doing once they retired. But, what they found out was that they soon tired of playing golf everyday, soon tired of taking vacations, soon tired of going on cruises, and soon tired of spending time with old friends who just sat around and talked about the old days.

On the other hand, I know a gentleman, 80 years old, who still volunteers his time during the summer months to act as a security and crossing guard for visitors to the city. He doesn't need to do this, he certainly doesn't need the money because he doesn't receive a cent for this work, but what he does need is the sense that he is still contributing. He also tells me that he gets a lot more in return from his ability to speak with people from all walks of life as he stands waiting with them before they cross a busy intersection.

As well, I retired several years ago but found that tending to a garden, doing all the little household maintenance tasks, and visiting friends and relatives just wasn't what it appeared to be all about before I retired. Now, I'm so busy as a glass artisan and as a web site developer that I never ever wonder what I will do with my time. And, the best part is that I am being creative, I am having fun, I am able to meet tons of interesting people, and I look forward to getting ready to find new adventures, new creations, and contributing to others in various ways.

Retirement doesn't mean that you become a bump. Retirement doesn't mean that you spend your days 'putting in time'. This expression 'putting in time' to me means that all you are doing is waiting for your call to die. How depressing is that? Not only is it depressing, it's a waste of talent, energy, vitality, and wisdom.

Don't go and buy me a rocking chair - I'm far from ready to sit on my duff and "put in time'. How about you?

Visit Goal Setting 4 Success - A motivational site dedicated to your success by setting goals. Stories, quotes, tips and more! http://www.goal4success.com

Michael Gorsline moves around to board up the third window on a back room of his home Monday, July 21, 2008, in Corpus Christi. Gorsline said he wanted to be prepared in case Tropical Storm Dolly strengthened and made landfall in the Coastal Bend <a href=>area.</a> (AP Photo/Corpus Christi Caller-Times, Michael Zamora)AP - Texas mobilized National Guard troops and residents along the Gulf Coast near the Mexican border were buying plywood, flashlights and gasoline as Tropical Storm Dolly gained strength early Tuesday on its way to becoming a hurricane before it hits land.


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