Sunday, December 21, 2008

Video Game Tester - How To Get a Job

This is sad, but it's true, the best way to get hired as a video game tester isn't tested by what you know, but by who you know.

Yes, how sad. So how can you do this?

You have to make relationships. Call up every video game company and see if they need any video game testers. You can find these companies on the Internet in your favorite search engines. This is where your experience really comes in handy. If you have great experience in gaming, this will be an easy job. Just tell them what you have done and what console you specialize in. It's that simple.

But if your not an experience gamer, then your best bet is to sell yourself. Tell them why they should hire you. Don't just say that your a good person. No! Go into depth on why your such a great gamer.

So in order to help you, here is a list on what to say:

  • What console you specialize in
  • How long you have been playing games
  • How intelligent you are in your console
  • The different games you've played (The more the better)
  • How much you play video games
  • What makes you so different from everyone else

The last step is always the hardest. What sets you out as better than others that they can hire? For this last section, I can't help you out with. You have to figure this one out on your own, because only YOU know why your so different.

Everything else should be self explanatory.

Once you find the company that wants to hire you, then you have to start putting in all your effort into that gaming company. It's the least you can do to repay them for such a great opportunity. So work your hardest when you get hired and take it seriously! Don't slack off you might get fired!

Get the only ecourse that tells you how to really become a video game tester, no lies or scams, by clicking here now!

Police detains participants of a protest against the authorities' plans to raise tariffs on imported used Japanese cars in central part of the Pacific port of <a href=>Vladivostok,</a> about 6,400 km (4,000 miles) east of Moscow, Sunday, Dec. 21, 2008. Some 500 motorists rallied in Russia's far east Saturday to protest the government's decision to raise car import tariffs, and thousands others are expected to stage similar demonstrations across Russia Sunday. (AP Photo)AP - Riot police clubbed, kicked and detained dozens in the Pacific port of Vladivostok on Sunday in a harsh crackdown on a protest that was one of dozens across Russia by people outraged over an increase in car import tariffs.


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