Sunday, December 28, 2008

Old Farm Technology - That Farm Experience!

No matter where you are in the world, agricultural production is the basis for the economy of all nations. It is impossible for a political declaration to produce food or a usable product. Even the vast seas of the globe are agricultural producers of food. Agriculture is the sustenance of life, it produces food for the table, it produces medicinal products, it produces renewable wood products for shelter and heat. One cannot even begin to list every product or resource for which agriculture is responsible.

These account for the experience and education that a person receives when he partakes in the "Farm Experience". A dairy farmer learns early on that nutrition and health go hand in hand with milk production. The livestock feeder raises cattle, sheep, hog, chickens, turkeys, ducks and other animals providing food for countless other (many non-farm families). The crop producer provides corn, beans, peas, for food. Look in any grocery store and observe all the food stocks consumed daily by populations everywhere. More recently crops provide ethanol for fuel, solvents, starches and resins for plastic type products.

Further experience is in the form of mechanical capability: Learning the basics of engine and machine maintenance all the way to complete engine and transmission overhauls. Sophisticated electronic monitoring and electrical control of hydraulics are common place today, giving more, in depth, experience to the farmer.

How many people are capable of receiving income once a year (while depending on weather, government intrusion, non-local bankers, unreliable parts availability, disease, weeds and other frustrating problems) can stretch that income to a twelve month allocation?

Livestock and dairy farmers have to contend with all of the above crop problems plus: Fluctuation of feed prices, availability of feed, quality of feed, multiple nutrition needs and problems, health and veterinary requirements, price fluctuations just to name a few.

These people still possess the optimism of a saint. Pessimism can be as debilitating as a terminal disease. The "Farm Experience is a commendable and necessary attribute gained only by farming. Small business such as family farms and independent business owners all posses these attributes that have built America and world wide success while being confronted by adverse conditions.

The "Farm Experience" is really not limited just to farmers, small independent business owners succumb to similar parallel problems and experience learning and develop solutions similar to farmers. America's civilization and civilizations around the world as well as big international businesses are all founded in farming and small individual businesses.

The small business and "Farm Experience" is the most reliable source of "Common Sense" available anywhere today. The creators of the Constitution all were farmers and small business owners-NO professional polititians! Your memories and dreams were formed because of your experiences. Richard Monson has put together farming videos and stories of earlier times. Enjoy a visit at:

In this image released by 20th Century Fox, Owen <a href=>Wilson</a> and Jennifer Aniston are shown in a scene from, 'Marley and Me.' (AP Photo/20th Century Fox, Barry Wetcher)AP - Hollywood had a happy holiday with a huge Christmas weekend as movies from Jennifer Aniston and Owen Wilson, Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett and Adam Sandler all opened strongly.


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