Monday, October 20, 2008

Video Game Tester - Testing Video Games

Many video gamers test games out part-time for some extra money. Most usually say that testing the games out usually ruins the gaming experience. This is true! Video game testing is not a walk in the park. You have to test the video game constantly for 5 hours trying to find bugs and unlocking everything that your supposed to unlock. This can become a very boring task. But this task is the task that is going to make you a fortune that's friendly to the eyes.

Video Game Testing Is A Job!

Don't expect it to be just a bunch of free games that you get to play. You have to also remember that your trying to find the glitches of that game. Your trying your hardest to try to analyze that game. Unless you do that, you'll either get fired, you won't get hired, or you won't see any of that fortune people say that you can make.

Anything that you do you have to put in effort and determination. Why should video game testing be any different? Your income relies on how much efficient work you can do.

Keep in mind, there are some out there who love finding those glitches. These are the people who are going to make that fortune from the company.

Now it might be a hard and boring task trying to find all of those darn glitches in that game, but you just have to keep working. Whether you like it or not, every job you undertake at some point will become boring and stupid. The only way to make that huge profit is to get over that slump and work harder and harder everyday. Soon you will see your magic moment when companies are going to start calling you to play their newest and hottest video game for thousands of dollars.

Get the only ecourse that tells you how to really become a video game tester, no lies or scams, by clicking here now

Democratic presidential nominee Senator Barack Obama speaks at a campaign rally in Fayetteville, North Carolina, October 19, 2008. (Jim Young/Reuters)Politico - Barack Obama warned supporters Monday that despite favorable numbers in recent polls the presidential campaign is far from over.


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